Chapter 11

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I tried to scream. 
But nothing would come out. 
  "Oops." Lute said. 
Rosie curled up in a ball on the ground, groaning in pain. 
Silent tears fell down my face as I stood there in shock watching Rosie's blood continue to stain the brick alleyway. 
Lute looked at me and laughed. "Ah well my princess, how does it feel to have someone you love brutally ripped out of life itself?" 
I fell to my knees next to my guardian. 
Lute tipped her head. "Hm? No answer?" she snorted. "Expected from a little bitch like you." 
This was my dream all over again. 
It was trying to warn me. 
But I had dismissed it, and now Rosie was dying. 
Not Alastor, but Rosie. 
I tried to help, tried to do something, but I only accomplished to get myself covered in Rosie's blood. 
Lute looked at me pitifully. "Trying to save her? Instead of saving yourself?"
She wiped the blood of her spear onto her pant leg. "Noble, but it'll cost you."
The exorcist didn't even have to move fast to be intimidating as she walked towards me, spear in hand.
Rosie rolled over and reached out a hand towards me, as if that would help. "No..." 
Lute smiled and raised her spear. 
An axe head came out of nowhere and hit Lute's knee, making a sickening crunch. 
The exorcist crumpled with a scream to reveal Alastor behind her, axe in hand.
   "I wouldn't try that if I were you." He told her. 
Lute locked her jaw, and bit her lip, trying to blink back tears. 
I stood there in the middle, not knowing what to do. 
Alastor flipped the axe around in his hands. "My dear, if you try to touch either of them again, You will soon learn what it feels like to have your insides ripped out while you are still alive." 
Lute clamped her mouth shut and tried crawling to where her spear lay on the ground. 
Alastor dropped the axe blade in between her fingers. "Ah ah! Not another move, we don't want you losing your fingers too, do we?"
The angels eyes were scared, terrified even. 
She whipped out a knife and aimed it at Rosie. "Not another step you frea-" 
Alastor gave a wave of his hand and the knife flew twenty feet away. 
He shook his head. "My dear, that was just un-smart." 
The demon nonchalantly dropped the axe on Lute's knee, making her scream. 
Alastor smiled and bent down, grabbing Lute by the neck and dragging her to the wall. 
He lowered his voice and leaned as close to her face as he could get without touching her. "You see, no one, not even you, threatens my wife and lives to tell the tale..." His smile widened and he tightened his grip. "Does that make sense to you?" his eyes went black. "Or must I explain?"   
Pain and terror were all I saw in the exorcists own eyes.  
   "Alastor! Wait!" I called. "Please don't kill her!"  
Alastor dropped the angel and whipped around looking at me with a glare. "Do you realize what you are asking me to do?" He stalked towards me, intentionally stepping heavily on Lute's back as he did. "You have no right in this situation, do you understand that? You mean nothing here."  
I took a step back, did he just...?  
He cut me off. 
   "Don't Alastor me, this animal is disgusting and will die by my hand, you mean nothing, your opinion does not matter."  
I practically shrunk. "Al-"  
His ears went back. "No." 
Alastor whirled around and and picked his axe back up, walking back to Lute.  
   "Where were we? Ah yes, you were about to die." 
Lute wheezed as he picked her back up, this time, grabbing her by the back of the skull. "Say, when you die, give my regards to Adam!" He told her. 
One tear slipped down her cheek before she gasped. 
I heard loud squishy things being stabbed noise.  
Alastor yanked the axe out of her gut, before lowering his head to her ear. "Just a reminder little one, not to mess, with the Radio Demon." And he crushed the back of her skull. 
Bile filled my throat as I clutched my stomach, not wanting to look, but not being able to look away as Lute's lifeless eyes sunk into her skull and grey matter filled the side of the alley. 
Alastor dropped the body with a smug smile, it was quickly replaced by and worried one as he flicked the brain matter off his hand and ran to Rosie's side. "Darling?" He asked in a soft voice. 
Rosie's eyes fluttered open. "O-oh, hey Al, I- I was just... thinking about... you." She paused to take a deep breath but only managed to get herself in a coughing fit.  
She rolled on her side and clutched his hands in hers. "Damn, this is not... how I wanted this day to end..." 
She chucked softly.  
Rosie winced. "Ah yeah... that's not feeling too good..." 
She looked up at Alastor, her eyes filled with passion. "I hope you know that I love you, like... A whole fucking lot..." She smiled. "It's kind of funny, I thought I was immune to that whole love crap, but... alas, you came and I was stumbling head over heels for you..." 
Alastor's eyes went wide. "Oh no, Rosie No, your not dying on me my dear, you won't."   
She chuckled. "I-I know... I just want you to know... in case..." 
His smile looked way too forced. "Rosie, no... you- you are my Rosie, I am not going to let you die."  
Rosie gave a tired sigh. "Okay..."  
Alastor glanced franticly around and picked her up, holding her close to him. "Hey hey, no, stay here Rosie, stay with me, you're not dying, okay?"  
Rosie stayed silent. 
   "Rosie, answer me." 
She gave a slight bob of her head in response. 
I stepped forwards. "Alastor-" 
I rubbed my arm. "I'm just try-" 
   "I said No." 
  "Please if yo-" 
I took a step back. "But Al-"
He twisted slowly, looking at me with his teeth bared. "GET. AWAY." 
Suddenly, I was scared, not for Rosie, but for me. 
  "Al, listen-" 
He waved his arm to the end of the Alley. "GET. OUT. OF. HERE! JUST GO ALREDY." 
Alastor's ears went back and a tear fell down his face. "You have done enough."  
Blamed me for this?" 
I swallowed, holding back tears. 
  "Alastor, I'm sorry..." 
He glared at me, clenching his jaw. "I said leave, don't make me do it for you."  
I spun around, and ran. 
Tears filled my vision as I ran, not even knowing where I was going. 
Alastor blamed me for Rosie's death, and I was running? 
If I didn't, I was positive I would end up like Lute, broken and dead.  
I was scared that Alastor would exact his misguided revenge on me, by one day, leaving my body to rot in the ditch. 

A stay in Cannibal town {A Hazbin Hotel Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now