Part 1

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On a cool August morning in Bangkok , a faint mist hangs in the air, making everything feel fresh and new. In his dorm room, Kong sleeps peacefully, tucked snugly under his blanket. He's a sight to behold, with his messy hair and a soft smile playing on his lips. Even in sleep, he looks adorable, like a contented kitten.

But underneath his peaceful facade, Kong is troubled. He tosses and turns, trapped in a nightmare from his past. It's a memory he wishes he could forget,  In his dream, he hears his father's angry voice and his mother's desperate pleas. It's a terrifying scene, kong wakes up with a start, his heart pounding and sweat on his brow. As he sits up in bed, he tries to shake off the memory, but it lingers like a shadow, reminding him of the pain he's been through.

It's okay!! I'm okay.. It's all over now.  His hand instinctively touching his chest gently patting it in a comforting gesture

As Kong is comforting himself his phone's buzzing breaks the silence of the dorm room. Rubbing his eyes, he reaches for it and sees Namping's name flashing on the screen.

"Hey, Kong! You awake yet? You're gonna be late again!" Namping's voice rings out, full of urgency.

Kong's eyes widen as he realizes the time.
   Shiaaa!!!! I'm gonna be late again
he leaps out of bed, leaving his blanket in a heap on the floor. The cool tiles under his feet wake him up fully as he rushes to the bathroom, determined not to be tardy once more.

As Kong steps out of the dorm, his eyes meet Namping's eager gaze, who's waiting outside with breakfast  in hand.

You overslept again!!!Namping grins, holding out a breakfast sandwich to his friend.

Kong returns the smile, feeling grateful for Namping's cheerful presence. Ohhh I'm sorry broo!!!Thanks for breakfast, Namping. You're a lifesaver."

As they walk towards their class, namping notices, kong wasn't looking that happy.

You okay kong???

Yeah iam. I just had a bad dream.

Namping listens attentively, his expression sympathetic as Kong recounts the details of his dream. With a reassuring pat on the back, Namping offers a comforting response. "Hey, it was just a dream, Kong. You're safe now, and you've got me by your side."

Kong nods appreciatively, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders with Namping's words of support. Together, they enter the classroom, ready to immerse themselves in the world of fine art.

Time skips ( break time)

🐰-Kong What about the project mr. Tommy gave us. Have you finished it yet?

🍓-ohh no. I'm trying. But i still don't have a idea of what to draw. What about you?

🐰 it's okay we still have lots of time. Well i have something in mind but i don't know if it gonna turn out well.

🍓-What idea? Don't tell me you're gonna draw him???👀

(Namping's ears started turning red.)

🍓-Ping!! You are blushing!

👩🏻--Well who won't when talking about crush right? 👀

As Kong and Namping enjoy a break in the bustling cafeteria, their banter fills the air with laughter  Kong can't resist teasing Namping about his crush on keng, The hot guy in the engineering branch. eliciting playful protests from his friend.

"Come on, Namping, just admit it already! You've got a serious crush on pkeng Kong teases, nudging his friend with a grin.

Namping rolls his eyes but can't hide the hint of a blush creeping onto his cheeks. "Oh please, Kong. You know I just admire his artistry," he retorts, though his smile betrays his true feelings.

Their conversation is interrupted by the entrance of two newcomers: keng Namping's crush, and Thomas, a striking figure who immediately captures Kong's attention. The cafeteria buzzes with excitement as Thomas's presence draws admiring glances from the other students, his good looks and charm impossible to ignore.

Kong can't help but notice the sudden shift in atmosphere as the girls in the cafeteria begin to whisper excitedly about Thomas. His gaze lingers on the newcomer, intrigued by the magnetic aura that seems to surround him. As he watches Thomas interact with Harit and the others, a curious spark ignites within Kong, setting the stage for an unexpected turn of events.

Hey, Namping," Kong said quietly, leaning in, "Who's that guy everyone's talking about?"

Namping smirked, already aware of Kong's curiosity. "That's Thomas, our senior. Just returned from studying abroad. Seems like quite the mystery man."

Kong nodded, his interest piqued. "He looks... intense."

Namping chuckled softly, teasing, "Oh? Kong, is this the first time you're curious about a guy?"

Kong's cheeks flushed slightly as he swatted Namping's arm. "Shut up, Namping."

But Namping wasn't done teasing yet. "Hey, maybe you should ask him to model for our project. He's got the perfect 'business student' look."

Kong's eyes widened at the suggestion. "That's actually not a bad idea. Do you think he'd agree?"

Before Namping could reply, a girl approached Thomas, attempting to strike up a conversation. However, Thomas showed no interest and brushed her off, his demeanor coming off as rude. Kong watched this interaction with a furrowed brow, his earlier curiosity fading as he observed Thomas's dismissive behavior.

"Maybe not," Kong muttered, his thoughts clouded with disappointment.

Heyyoo that's it for the first part. Ik that's kinda short 🥲 i will try my best for the next parts. Please support me and comment if you have any suggestion.  Have a nice day everyone ❤️

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