Part 19

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The university cultural fest was abuzz with energy, colorful stalls dotting the campus grounds. Students flitted about, some manning booths, others rehearsing performances, all immersed in the festive spirit. Among them, Kong and Thomas were busy preparing for the evening concert.

Kong meticulously put final touches on the posters while Thomas assisted him, their camaraderie evident in their easy banter and synchronized efforts. Suddenly, Thomas was called away, leaving Kong to finish up alone. As he straightened a corner of the last poster, Maya, approached him.

"Hey Kong," Maya greeted with a smirk, eyeing the posters. "You're quite dedicated to Thomas, huh?"

Kong nodded politely, a hint of unease creeping into his demeanor as Maya continued.

"So, you think you've finally won him over?" Maya remarked casually, her words carrying an undercurrent of skepticism. "You know Thomas will never settle down with someone like you. His family won't approve, either."

Kong's heart sank at Maya's words, his usual shy demeanor momentarily clouded by hurt and frustration. However, a newfound resolve surged within him. He took a deep breath, meeting Maya's gaze squarely.

"It's not your concern, Maya," Kong replied calmly, surprising himself with his own assertiveness. "Thomas and I love each other. We'll handle our relationship ourselves, without needing anyone else's approval or advice."

Maya's expression shifted, clearly taken aback by Kong's unexpected defiance. She had always seen him as timid and easily influenced, not one to stand up for himself or his relationship.

"But Thomas..." Maya started, but Kong cut her off gently yet firmly.

"I know Thomas better than you think," Kong interjected, his voice steady with conviction. "And our love is stronger than any doubts or outside interference."

With that, Kong gathered the posters and walked away, leaving Maya standing there, momentarily silenced. A hush fell over the surrounding area as onlookers exchanged surprised glances, witnessing Kong's newfound confidence and determination.

As Kong disappeared into the crowd, Maya stood alone, reflecting on his words. Perhaps, for the first time, she realized that Kong and Thomas's relationship was built on genuine love and strength, not easily swayed by others' opinions or doubts.

As Kong went outside he took a deep breath

Kong : damn where did i get this much courage

"Why are you talking to yourself out here?" Namping approached

Kong glanced at him briefly, his expression unreadable. "Nothing, just needed some air."

Namping nodded knowingly. "The concert's starting soon. Let's go."

But Kong hesitated, his eyes scanning the area around the open-air stage. "P'tho hasn't come yet."

"He'll be here," Namping assured, gripping Kong's arm and guiding him towards the gathering crowd.

As they approached, Kong observed faces from all corners of the campus, buzzing with anticipation. His gaze darted around, searching for one particular person—Thomas. But Thomas was nowhere in sight.

The concert commenced with Nat, a talented member of the music club, taking the stage. His voice resonated through the night, filling the air with melodies that captivated everyone. Song after song, the audience swayed and clapped along, fully immersed in the music.

Just as the concert seemed to be winding down, Fah, the host, stepped forward with a mischievous grin. "Hold on, everyone! We have a surprise for you."

Gasps rippled through the crowd as Thomas suddenly emerged from the shadows, walking confidently towards the stage. The reaction was instantaneous—excited whispers and cheers erupted, especially from the female students, their admiration for Thomas palpable.

Kong stood frozen, his heart pounding with a mixture of shock and disbelief. Thomas took the microphone, his eyes scanning the audience until they settled on Kong. For a moment, time seemed to stand still.

"This song is dedicated to someone special," Thomas announced softly, his gaze unwaveringly fixed on Kong.

Before Kong could comprehend what was happening, Namping discreetly nudged him towards the front, a part of the plan he hadn't been aware of. Caught off guard, Kong found himself at the center of attention.

The opening notes of "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri filled the air, and Thomas began to sing. His voice was pure and resonant, weaving a spell that drew everyone's focus, but his eyes never left Kong. Each lyric seemed to carry a weight of unspoken emotions, and as the song reached its heartfelt conclusion with "I'll love you for a thousand more," tears welled up in Kong's eyes, reflecting the depth of his feelings.

The audience watched in awe, some wiping tears from their own eyes, while others captured the moment on their phones. Kong, usually reserved and shy, disregarded the spectacle around him. With his heart laid bare, he ran towards Thomas as soon as the song ended, enveloping him in a tight embrace.

Thomas, taken aback by the unexpected display of emotion, hesitated only for a moment before returning the embrace. Namping, overwhelmed with surprise, could only cover his mouth in astonishment.

Cheers and applause erupted from the crowd, blending with the excited chatter and camera flashes. In that moment, none of it mattered to Kong. All that mattered was being enveloped in Thomas's arms, feeling the warmth of love finally acknowledged and reciprocated.

As they stood embraced, Kong felt a profound sense of peace wash over him. It didn't matter that they were the center of attention; what mattered was the person holding him close, and the unspoken promise of a future filled with their shared love.

Hope you loved it 🩷

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