Part 2

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Kong sat at his desk, surrounded by sketchbooks and pencils scattered across the surface. He was supposed to be working on his latest art project, but his thoughts kept drifting to Thomas, the intriguing guy he had met earlier.

As he tried to sketch the still life in front of him, his mind kept replaying their brief encounter in the cafeteria. Kong found himself drawing Thomas's face instead of the fruits and vases in front of him, captivated by the way Thomas's eyes seemed to hold secrets.

Frustrated, Kong erased the sketch and tried again, but his hand seemed to move of its own accord, tracing the lines of Thomas's face onto the page. "Why can't I focus?" he muttered to himself, feeling a mixture of confusion and excitement bubbling inside him.

With a sigh, Kong set aside his sketchbook and leaned back in his chair, staring at the blank canvas on his easel.
🍓: Maybe I'm getting this thoughts because I'm hungry. I'm craving strawberry milk now.. I should go buy it.

He grabbed his Cardigan and rushed to the convince store.

As he reached the convenience store, he rushed to grab his favourite strawberry milk. Only to find there was none left.

With a small frown, Kong turned to the store worker. "Excuse me, do you have any more strawberry milk?" he asked, trying to hide his disappointment.

The worker shook her head apologetically. "Sorry, hun. The guy outside just bought the last one."

Kong's shoulders slumped as he glanced outside, spotting a figure leaning against a bike, the unmistakable carton of strawberry milk in hand.

Resigned to his fate, Kong selected a different drink and made his way to the checkout counter. As he left the store, the cool night air greeted him, but his disappointment still lingered.

Why does he have to grab the last one?" Kong grumbled under his breath, his cute frustration evident in the way his brows furrowed and his lips formed a pout. Unbeknownst to him, the guy on the bike glanced up from his phone, catching sight of Kong's adorable expression. A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he watched Kong walk away, completely unaware of the effect he had on the boy's heart.

👩🏻: well who is this guy? 👀 I'm curious too

Once again that's too small 🙂 lemme give you a spoiler about the guy who bought kong's strawberry milk then 👀?

Are you ready?

Ok bye 👀

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