Part 17

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The morning sun streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room as Kong slowly blinked his eyes open. He shifted slightly, feeling the comforting weight of Thomas's arm draped over him. Thomas slept peacefully beside him, his features softened in slumber. Kong couldn't help but admire how handsome and serene he looked.

Trying to extricate himself from Thomas's embrace without waking him proved to be a futile endeavor. As Kong stirred, Thomas stirred too, his eyes fluttering open to meet Kong's gaze with a smile. "Good morning," he murmured, his voice husky with sleep.

Bashfully, Kong attempted to hide his face beneath the covers, feeling a rush of embarrassment at the memories of the night before. But Thomas gently tugged the blanket away, revealing Kong's flushed cheeks. Leaning in, Thomas placed a tender kiss on Kong's cheek, causing his blush to deepen.

"Where's my morning kiss?" Thomas teased, his eyes twinkling with affection. Caught off guard, Kong hesitantly leaned in to reciprocate, aiming for Thomas's cheek. However, Thomas playfully shifted his head, causing their lips to meet instead. Kong's initial surprise quickly turned into a mixture of emotions, including a hint of annoyance, but Thomas found his reaction utterly endearing.

Chuckling softly, Thomas suggested, "Hungry?" before slipping out of bed and heading towards the kitchen and Kong followed him like a kitten following it's owner.

As Thomas prepared breakfast, kong just sat there watching him

He looks fine even when cooking

Kong's phone buzzed, and he glanced at the screen to see Namping's name flashing. "It's Namping," Kong murmured, answering the call.

"Hey, Kong! Where are you, man? I couldn't find you in the dorm this morning. What happened after the party?" Namping's voice sounded concerned.

"I'm with Thomas. He agreed to let me work on his project," Kong explained.

Namping's curiosity peaked. "Did you confess your feelings, then?" he asked eagerly.

Kong's cheeks flushed slightly as he hesitated, "Uh, not exactly

Before he could finish, Namping's eyes widened in shock as he noticed the hickey on Kong's neck. "Whoa, Kong! What's that on your neck?" he exclaimed.

Panicked, Kong instinctively tried to cover it with his hand, but it was too late. Thomas, who had been listening nearby, couldn't contain his amusement any longer. With a smirk, he stepped closer, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

"Don't worry, Namping," Thomas chimed in. "Kong will tell you everything in detail when he gets back."

Namping's surprise turned into excitement. "You better spill everything, Kong! I want to hear every detail," he insisted before abruptly ending the call.

Kong let out a nervous chuckle, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement. He glanced at Thomas, who was grinning at him, clearly enjoying the situation.

"Well, that was unexpected," Kong remarked, trying to hide his embarrassment.

Thomas chuckled

As Kong mentioned needing to return soon to avoid Namping's wrath, Thomas's expression softened with a hint of sadness. "Why don't you stay a bit longer?" he suggested, his tone tinged with a playful pout.

Kong hesitated for a moment before insisting, "No, I have to go back sooner and finish my drawing." But then, without thinking, he added, "I think I can draw it now since I know all your features like the back of my hand."

The slip of his tongue caught Kong off guard, and he quickly covered his mouth, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Thomas, however, seized the opportunity, moving closer and wrapping his arms around Kong's waist. "So, who am I?" he teased, his voice laced with amusement.

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