Part 10

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First of all Thomaskong series is coming yallllll 😭😭 I'm soo excited for the pilot!!! What about you?? Comment your thoughts about the novel. Have you read it??

Ok ok let's get into the next part

Kong sat on the beach, staring at the sea, lost in thoughts.. He was thinking about Maya being flirty with Thomas. He wondered why she was clingy to Thomas so much and if they were close.

As he pondered these questions, a pang of jealousy gnawed at Kong's insides, a bitter reminder of his own insecurities. He couldn't help but compare himself to Thomas - confident, charismatic, everything Kong felt he wasn't. Yet, despite his envy, he couldn't deny Maya's allure. She was undeniably beautiful and talented, and it seemed like every guy vied for her attention. Did he even stand a chance against someone like Thomas?

Suddenly, Thomas walked over and sat beside him. "Hey, Kong, what's up? You seem lost in thought," Thomas said, breaking the silence.

Kong forced a smile, masking the storm of emotions raging within him. "Oh, it's nothing," he replied, his voice betraying the turmoil beneath the surface. "Just lost in thought, I guess."

Thomas sat beside him

Thomas : you said you wanted to do the kayaking right??

Kong : No it's okay i don't feel like doing it anymore

Thomas was confused

Why does he look upset??

Have you ever loved someone? Kong asked looking into Thomas's eyes

Thomas was surprised by the sudden question.

Umm.. about that..

Kong : ohhh I'm sorry that was so random

But before he could retreat further into his thoughts, Thomas spoke again, his voice soft yet filled with conviction. "But I do have a crush on someone," he confessed, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. "It's been a while, though."

Thomas's eyes sparkled with a warmth and fondness that Kong hadn't noticed before. As he spoke about his crush, his gaze softened, and his eyes seemed to light up with an inner glow. Kong couldn't help but be captivated by the way Thomas talked about the person he admired..

Kong's heart sank as he assumed Thomas was referring to someone else. "Oh," he managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper. "That person must be really lucky."

A small smile graced Thomas's lips at Kong's words, but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes that Kong failed to notice.

Changing the subject, Kong mustered the courage to inquire about Maya. "So, how do you know Maya?" he asked, trying to sound casual despite the ache in his chest.

Thomas's expression softened as he spoke, his eyes distant with nostalgia. "We've known each other since we were kids," he explained. "Our dads are old friends."

A pang of jealousy shot through Kong's
heart at the revelation, and he struggled to mask his emotions behind a forced smile. "That's cool," he replied, though his voice lacked conviction.

Kong couldn't help but feel adrift in a sea of emotions. Little did he know, the answers he sought were closer than he ever imagined, hidden within the depths of Thomas's own heart.

Time skips

Keng and Namping were out taking pictures, the sunlight casting a warm glow on their surroundings. Namping seemed exhausted, his shoulders slumped as he scrolled through the photos he had taken, a tired smile on his lips.

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