Part 4

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Why Thomas is sitting near that guy? Gossips and stares started to get bigger and bigger. Kong started getting more nervous.

He just wanted to run away from there.

On the other hand, thomas just sat there unbothered by anything.

Kong's anxiety only started growing bigger, that he patted his heart slowly saying it's okay, it's okayyy..

Fah started talking which caught everyone's attention.

Fah: okay guys so i hope everyone will get along with kong. As you might have noticed he's a little shy, everyone be kind to him!!

Ok so now let me talk about the important thing. As you all know our university cultural fest is coming soon, we are planning a concert. I want everyone to include in this. So I'm gonna give everyone different jobs. So we will split you guys in to different groups.

Everyone was excited. Since the cultural fest is the biggest in the university.

As for Kong it was his first time.

Fah then started teaming up everyone and giving them different tasks to do.

She then turned to kong

Kong, so you are in charge of the posters. Make them as creative as you can. I trust you. Can you do that??

Kong : ( he was happy and excited to do that ) yes i can

Fah : maybe you can ask thomas for help

Kong : he can help??

Fah : yaah he's good at everything. There isn't a single thing he can't do!

Kong looked at thomas in excitement

Thomas : you know I'm busy fah!!

Oh thomas, you've already agreed on this. You might help him. Fah passed a glare at him.

Thomas : ok ok fine 🙄

Fah then turned to kong who was sitting there like a lost kitten and smiled, you ask him for help. If he didn't do anything just come to me okay??

Ok. Kong nodded like a little kid

As the last member left the music club room, Thomas gathered his things, preparing to head out. But just as he was about to leave, Kong's voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Um... thank you for helping me earlier," Kong said, his tone hesitant yet sincere. "And, uh, could I get your number? I don't really know anyone else in this club."

Thomas glanced at Kong, noticing the slight nervousness in his expression. He couldn't help but find it endearing. "Sure, no problem," Thomas replied casually,

Wait why can't i say no to him!! Thomas started getting a bit confused

As Thomas recited his number,

Kong's gaze flickered down to Thomas's injured hand, his brows furrowing in concern. "What happened to your hand?" he asked, his tone softening with genuine worry. "Is it from before, when you helped me from the ball?"

Thomas paused, caught off guard by Kong's perceptiveness. He glanced down at his reddened hand, the memory of the moment he shielded Kong from the ball flooding back. "Yeah," he admitted gruffly, "Just a minor injury. It's nothing, really."

But despite his attempts to dismiss it, Thomas couldn't shake the warmth that bloomed within him at Kong's concern.

"Come with me," Kong said softly, his eyes meeting Thomas's with unwavering sincerity. "Let me help you."

Thomas hesitated for a moment, unused to such direct invitations. But the earnestness in Kong's gaze was undeniable, and against his better judgment, he found himself nodding in acquiescence.

Together, they made their way to the nearest convenience store. Kong motioned for Thomas to take a seat, while he disappeared inside.

Moments later, Kong emerged with a small bandage in hand. With careful precision, he began wrapping the bandage around Thomas's injured hand, his touch gentle yet firm.

Thomas found himself entranced by the sight of Kong's focused expression as he tended to his injury. The warmth of Kong's hands against his own, and he couldn't help but admire the quiet strength and genuine kindness that emanated from the boy before him.

In that fleeting moment, amidst the soft glow of the convenience store lights, Thomas couldn't deny the undeniable charm of Kong's gestures, even as he struggled to keep his emotions in check.

👩🏻: Is this the same thomas i know? The cold and rude guy who quite often breaks ppls hearts. Why does he have a soft spot for this guy near him? 👀 anyway let's continue.

Kong finished bandaging his hands. But someone was not a single bit concerned about his hands, but staring at the guy who was sitting beside him...

It's finished Kong looked up yo Thomas only to find him already staring into his soul. Kong's heart skipped a beat.

Thomas suddenly snapped into reality..

Umm. Well thanks. Btw I'm leaving. His grabbed his bag and started walking..

Kong looked at him leaving in surprise. And grabbed his bag and ran to his dorm.

Time skips

In the dimly lit confines of his dorm room, Kong lay restless on his bed, unable to shake off the thoughts that consumed his mind. The memory of Thomas's selfless act, shielding him from the ball, played on an endless loop, each replay igniting a warm glow in Kong's chest.

His cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as he replayed the moment in his mind, savoring every detail of Thomas's stoic yet caring demeanor. The way Thomas's eyes met his with unwavering sincerity, the touch of his hand against Kong's own – each detail etched into Kong's memory like a cherished masterpiece.

Just as Kong felt himself sinking deeper into a reverie, his phone buzzed, startling him out of his thoughts. With trembling fingers, he reached for his phone, heart pounding with anticipation. It was a message from Thomas.

"Come to the club room after class. We need to design the posters," the message read.

A surge of excitement coursed through Kong's veins, a bright smile spreading across his face. The prospect of spending more time with Thomas filled him with a bubbling energy, his heart fluttering with newfound anticipation.

Unable to contain his excitement, Kong kicked his feet in a playful gesture, the joyous energy of the moment enveloping him like a warm embrace. And as he nestled into his bed, a sense of contentment washed over him, lulling him into a peaceful slumber, dreams filled with the promise of new beginnings and blossoming friendships.

That's it for today.. Well I'm not satisfied with this one :( hope you enjoy. Feel free to comment your thoughts. Have a great day❤️

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