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Kong felt a flutter of nerves as he and Thomas drove towards Thomas' home. It was a bright Sunday afternoon, and they were heading to celebrate Thomas' mother's birthday with his family. Keng and Namping followed closely behind in their own car.

Thomas noticed Kong's quiet unease and reached over, his hand finding Kong's and squeezing it gently. "Hey," Thomas said softly, "you're going to be great. My parents will love you."

Kong nodded, grateful for Thomas' reassurance. He took a deep breath, trying to push away the lingering doubt planted by Maya's words.

Soon, they arrived at Thomas' house-a sprawling residence with a meticulously maintained garden bursting with vibrant flowers, a testament to his mom's love for gardening. The sight instantly softened Kong's nerves; he found the house inviting and comforting.

Thomas' mother, a graceful woman with a warm smile, greeted them at the door. Thomas embraced her, saying, "Happy birthday, Mom."

"Thank you, sweetheart," she replied, her eyes twinkling with happiness. Then, she turned her attention to Kong. "And this must be Kong," she said warmly, extending her hand. "Thomas has told us so much about you."

Kong felt a rush of relief as he shook her hand. "It's wonderful to finally meet you, ," he managed to say, a shy smile spreading across his face.

"Oh, please, call me mom she insisted, her smile widening. "And thank you for the thoughtful gift."

Thomas' father joined them, a kind-faced man who greeted Kong with genuine warmth. "Good to finally meet you, Kong," he said, his voice friendly and welcoming. "Thomas talks about you all the time."

Kong felt a weight lift off his shoulders as he realized that Thomas' parents had already accepted him, long before this meeting. He exchanged a knowing glance with Thomas, silently thanking him for everything.

Soon, Keng and Namping arrived, adding to the cheerful atmosphere with their infectious laughter and camaraderie. They brought gifts and stories, weaving themselves seamlessly into the fabric of Thomas' family gathering.

As they gathered around the table for lunch, stories flowed freely. Thomas' parents shared anecdotes of their sons' adventures, while Keng and Namping chimed in with their own memories, creating a tapestry of shared history and laughter.

At one point, Thomas' mother leaned over to Kong and whispered, "We're so happy to have you here, Kong. You make Thomas so happy."

Kong's heart swelled with gratitude and a newfound sense of belonging. He glanced around the table, at the smiling faces of people who had quickly become more than just Thomas' family-they were becoming his family too.

In that moment, as they laughed and celebrated amidst the beauty of the garden and the warmth of love and acceptance, Kong knew that Maya's words had been nothing more than echoes of doubt. Here, surrounded by Thomas and their loved ones, he had found his place-a place where he was not just accepted, but cherished.

And as the afternoon sun bathed them all in its golden glow, Kong felt a deep sense of peace settle within him. He knew that he had found not only a loving partner in Thomas, but also a second family who welcomed him with open arms.

Time skips

After bidding farewell to Thomas' parents, Kong and Thomas watched as Keng and Namping drove off.As they were driving by the seashore Thomas suggested a spontaneous stop by the sea, and Kong eagerly agreed. They parked by the shore just as the evening painted the sky with hues of pink and orange, the sun dipping lower on the horizon.

Hand in hand, they walked along the water's edge, the cool waves lapping gently at their feet. Playfully, they ventured into the shallows, laughing as they built a sand castle together. Thomas couldn't resist capturing Kong's joyous expression with his phone, snapping photos of him in the fading light.

"You look so adorable," Thomas murmured, his heart swelling with love for the person beside him. He marveled at how quickly Kong had become an integral part of his life, his thoughts, and his heart

( person infront of him 🥹🤏🏻)

As the sun dipped lower, casting a golden path across the water, they settled down on the sand, watching in silence as nature put on its evening spectacle

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As the sun dipped lower, casting a golden path across the water, they settled down on the sand, watching in silence as nature put on its evening spectacle. The sky turned fiery orange and crimson, reflecting on the calm sea before them.

In the quiet intimacy of the moment, with the rhythmic sound of the waves as their backdrop, Thomas turned to Kong. Their eyes met, and in that unspoken connection, they understood each other's thoughts and feelings.

"Will you continue to love me forever?" Thomas asked softly, his voice barely audible over the murmur of the sea.

Kong smiled, his heart overflowing with love. "I will give you all my seasons," he replied, his voice steady and filled with conviction.

Without needing further words, they leaned in and kissed-a tender affirmation of their love, of the journey they had embarked upon together. The kiss lingered, a promise sealed against the backdrop of the setting sun and the gentle lap of the waves.

And as they lingered there, their souls entwined amidst the beauty of the sea and sky, Kong felt a profound sense of peace settle within him. In Thomas' embrace, in the warmth of acceptance from his family, and in the promise of a future filled with love and shared dreams, he knew that he had found his home.

Happily ever after ❤️

Hi all soe here 🙌🏻
Finally the end is here 🥹 I wanna thank everyone for reading and loving my story. I was so happy to know lot of people love this 🥺Hoping the best for everyone 🫶🏻 also don't forget to support thomaskong and their upcoming series Your sky ☁️

Good bye ❤️

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