Part 6

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a little flashback.


Kong, a young boy with a serious expression, sits at the kitchen table, his pencil moving deftly across a sheet of paper as he sketches with intense concentration. His father, a stern figure with a furrowed brow, stands over him, arms crossed and eyes narrowed in disapproval.

Father: Kong, how many times do I have to tell you? Put that pencil down and focus on your studies!

Kong's shoulders tense, but he obediently sets his sketchbook aside, his gaze fixed on the floor as he nods silently.

Father: You need to start behaving like a responsible young man. No more of this nonsense!

Kong's father's words weigh heavily on him, reinforcing the sense of pressure and expectation that has always surrounded him.

At school, Kong becomes known as the quiet kid, always keeping to himself and avoiding unnecessary attention. He carries the burden of his father's strictness like a heavy cloak, afraid to speak out or make waves for fear of further retribution

Drawing becomes Kong's sanctuary, a place where he can escape the harsh realities of his life and express himself freely. In the quiet solitude of his room, he loses himself in the intricate lines and shapes of his art, finding a sense of peace and purpose that eludes him in the outside world.

First day of highschool

The classroom is alive with the buzz of conversation as students mingle and laugh, forming cliques and forging connections. Kong sits alone at his desk, his eyes downcast as he sketches in his notebook, oblivious to the bustling activity around him.

Enter Namping, a cheerful boy with a contagious smile and an easygoing demeanor. He spots Kong sitting alone and approaches him with a friendly smile.

Namping: Hey there! Mind if I join you

Kong looks up, surprised by the sudden intrusion, but nods slightly, his expression guarded.

Namping: Cool sketches! You're really talented.

Kong's lips twitch into a hesitant smile, a flicker of surprise and uncertainty dancing in his eyes as he mumbles a quiet "

As Namping continues to engage him in conversation, Kong gradually begins to open up, his guarded demeanor softening in the warmth of Namping's friendship. And so, amidst the chaos of high school life, a bond begins to form between Kong and Namping, offering Kong a glimmer of hope and companionship in a world that has always felt so cold and lonely.

And Like that they became bestfriends. Namping was literally the sunshine in Kong's life. Later they both decided to go to the same university as they shared the same passion.

First day of university

The campus hums with anticipation as students shuffle through the pathways, eager to kick off the new academic year. Among the bustling crowd is Namping, his backpack slung over his shoulder waiting for kong as he navigates the maze of buildings, excitement tinged with a hint of nervousness.

As Namping strides through the campus, his phone buzzes in his pocket, interrupting his thoughts. He answers the call, his brow furrowing in concern as he listens intently to the voice on the other end.

Kong's Voice: (strained) Namping, it's Kong. I... I have to go back home. My grandma's sick. I won't be able to make it for the first day.

Namping's heart sinks as he hears the worry in Kong's voice, his own excitement dampened by the sudden change of plans.

Namping: (sympathetic) Oh no, Kong. I'm so sorry to hear that. Don't worry about me, just take care of your family. We'll catch up when you get back, okay?

With a heavy heart, Namping bids farewell to Kong over the phone, the weight of his absence palpable as he contemplates facing the first day of university alone.

He couldn't find the classroom so he decided to ask a group of seniors standing there for help.

Namping : umm. Excuse me, do you know where the fine arts classroom is?

Senior 1: (slyly) Looks like we've got ourselves a lost freshman.

They started laughing which made namping uncomfortable

Just as the situation begins to escalate, a newcomer arrives on the scene, his presence commanding attention and respect.

Enter Keng, a towering figure with a stern expression and a no-nonsense demeanor. He steps forward, his voice firm and authoritative as he addresses the seniors.

Keng: That's enough. Leave him alone.

The seniors falter at Keng's authoritative tone, taken aback by his sudden intervention. Without a word of protest, they begrudgingly back off, leaving Namping feeling relieved but bewildered by the unexpected turn of events.

Keng turns to Namping, offering him a reassuring smile and a supportive hand.

Keng: Hey, are you okay? Let's get you to your class.

Like that he took Namping's to his classroom

Namping's heart swells with gratitude as he gazes up at Keng, his admiration for his  brave act of kindness blossoming into something more.

And so, amidst the chaos of the first day of university, Namping finds himself drawn to Keng. 

And that was the starting of their story

And that was the starting of their story

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Is our second couple cute👀???? Stay tuned for their story to unfold along with our main couple 🩷

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