Part 20

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It was an unusually hot day for March, the sun beating down relentlessly on the bustling streets outside Kong's dormitory. Semester exams had finally drawn to a close, leaving Kong mentally drained but relieved. For the past two weeks, his life had revolved around textbooks and notes, every spare moment dedicated to cramming and preparation.

The final day of exams had been grueling, but Kong was finally at his dorm sprawled out on his bed, relishing the comfort of his own space after two weeks of intense study and he didn't meet Thomas for 2 weeks.He had just drifted off into a light nap when his phone buzzed with a familiar notification.

"How you doing? I miss you," read Thomas's message.

Blinking awake, Kong smiled groggily, typing back that he had just woken up and was about to doze off again. He asked how Thomas was holding up.

Thomas replied almost immediately, "Can't sleep. Got a fever." Kong's heart skipped a beat. He called Thomas immediately, concern evident in his voice as he asked if Thomas had taken any medicine.

"Yeah, I did," Thomas answered weakly, his voice barely above a whisper. Kong frowned. "Did you eat anything?"

"No," came the sheepish reply.

Kong sighed, half-scolding, half-worried. "Alright, I'm coming over."

He quickly got ready, grabbing a few essentials and a small bag of groceries before heading to Thomas's place. Opening the door quietly, he found his way to Thomas's room. There he was, lying still, the soft rise and fall of his chest barely noticeable. Kong approached him gently, checking his forehead for signs of fever. To his relief, it seemed the fever had broken.

Suddenly, Thomas stirred. "I wish I could be sick all day," he murmured sleepily.

Kong jumped slightly, not expecting Thomas to be awake. "I'll cook you some porridge," he offered softly.

But before he could move away, Thomas reached out, pulling Kong onto the bed beside him. They shared a moment, their eyes meeting in the soft light filtering through the curtains. Thomas's hand brushed against Kong's, fingers intertwining as they leaned in closer.

"I'm not hungry yet," Thomas admitted, his voice barely audible.

"You're still naughty even when you're sick," Kong teased gently, his cheeks flushing.

Thomas smiled mischievously before leaning forward, his lips meeting Kong's in a tender kiss. "I missed you so much," he murmured against Kong's lips, resting his head on Kong's shoulder.

Kong blushed deeper, his heart racing. "Me too," he confessed softly.

"Can we stay like this a little longer?" Thomas asked, his arms tightening around Kong.

"Okay," Kong agreed, wrapping his arms around Thomas in return.

They settled into each other's embrace, finding comfort and warmth in the closeness they had missed during those long two weeks apart. As the afternoon light faded into evening, they drifted off to sleep, content in each other's arms.

The sun was beginning its slow descent when Kong stirred awake. The room was bathed in a warm, late evening glow, and Thomas was still sleeping peacefully beside him. Kong glanced at the clock—it was 6 pm. Knowing Thomas might be hungry when he woke up, Kong quietly slipped out of bed and made his way to the kitchen.

As he busied himself preparing a simple meal, he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist from behind. Thomas pressed his cheek against Kong's shoulder, his voice soft and drowsy. "I'm hungry now," he murmured cutely.

Kong couldn't help but smile at Thomas's childish demand. "Alright, go take a bath. Food will be ready soon," he replied, gently patting Thomas's hand before he released him.

Thomas obeyed like a mischievous child, dragging his feet towards the bathroom with a sleepy grin. Kong focused on cooking, the aroma of food filling the small kitchen. By the time Thomas returned, freshly showered and looking more awake, the table was set.

They sat down to eat, the silence filled with the comfort of each other's presence. After the meal, Kong insisted on washing the dishes while Thomas drifted into a conversation on his phone, catching up with his family.

When Kong finished cleaning up, he checked the time—it was already 8 pm. "I should head back to the dorm," he announced reluctantly.

Thomas reached out, grabbing Kong's arm gently. "We haven't seen each other in two weeks, and you're leaving already?" he protested softly, his eyes pleading.

Even though they had been together for months, Kong still felt a twinge of nervousness whenever Thomas tells him to stay over. ( yk why right? 👀)He pursed his lips, trying to find the right words, but Thomas leaned in closer, his touch becoming more insistent.

"Stay here tonight," Thomas murmured, his voice low and coaxing, his eyes dark with desire.

Kong's heart raced as thomas wrapped his arms around him, feeling the heat between them. He nodded in agreement, his voice barely a whisper. "Okay."

Thomas's lips curled into a mischievous smile as he leaned in closer, his hands sliding down Kong's back to firmly grasp his waist. "Good choice," he purred, his breath warm against Kong's ear. "Let me take care of you tonight."

With a swift movement, Thomas effortlessly lifted Kong into his arms, carrying him towards the bedroom. Kong knew exactly what was to come, and anticipation mixed with a hint of nervous excitement flooded his senses. He surrendered himself to Thomas's touch, wrapping his arms tighter around him, eager for the night ahead.


( ok guys don't forget to read the epilogue )

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