Part 11

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kong and Namping's room

Kong : WHAT!!! YOU KISSED WHO???????

Namping : shhh lower you voice konggg

Kong ( whispers ) : you kissed pkeng??

Namping ( blushing ) : i'll explain

He then explains EVERYTHING

Kong : i can't believe this.. I'm so happy for you ping 🥹

Namping : aww ( shyly covers his face )

Time skips

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over Phi Phi Island as the group of friends gathered at the bus stop. The trip had been full of laughter and adventure, but now it was time to head back to the city. Kong stood with his best friend, Namping, his heart heavy with a mix of emotions. The trip had been a wonderful opportunity to get closer to Thomas, yet now he felt a pang of jealousy that he couldn't shake.

Namping nudged him playfully. "You okay, Kong? You look like you're in another world."

Kong forced a smile. "Yeah, just thinking about the project."

Namping grinned. "You mean the project that gives you an excuse to hang around Thomas?"

Kong's cheeks flushed. "Shh, don't say it so loud!"

Little did they know their conversation was over heard by someone else

Just then, Keng and Thomas approached. Keng, always cheerful and boisterous, gave Kong a friendly punch on the arm. "Hey, guys! Ready to head back?"

Kong nodded, standing up from his seat. "Keng, you can sit here," he said, giving Namping a knowing look.

Namping blushed, his eyes sparkling with gratitude. "Thanks, Kong."

Keng smiled warmly. "Thanks, buddy." He slid into the seat next to Namping, immediately striking up a conversation.

You look cutee today 😉

Namping was too shy to respond, he just gave warm smile.

Thomas, carrying his bag, stood next to Kong. He glanced at the now-empty seat beside him. "You can sit here, Kong," he said, his voice soft and inviting.

Kong felt his heart flutter as he looked around the bus, but before he could take the seat, Maya appeared. She was all smiles, her presence radiating confidence. "Oh, Thomas, you saved a seat for me? How sweet!" Without waiting for a response, she sat down next to him.

Thomas’s smile was forced, his eyes flicking to Kong. "Actually, I—" But it was too late. Maya was already settled in, her proximity to Thomas drawing the attention of their friends.

The whispers started immediately. "Look, they're sitting together." "Are they close?" "Are they in a relationship?"

Kong's chest tightened. He stood awkwardly in the aisle, unsure of where to go. Mark, another friend from the photography club, waved him over. "Hey, Kong, you can sit here."

Reluctantly, Kong took the seat next to Mark, feeling a strange mix of jealousy and sadness. Mark leaned in closer, his tone playful. "Looks like you're stuck with me. Not too bad, right?"

Kong forced a laugh, trying to ignore the knot in his stomach. "Yeah, not too bad."

Meanwhile, Thomas watched the exchange, a frown forming on his face. He couldn't help but feel a surge of jealousy at how close Mark was sitting to Kong. He shifted uncomfortably, glancing sideways at Maya, who was chatting away happily, oblivious to his discomfort.

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