Part 12

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The football field buzzed with excitement as Thomas and his team celebrated their hard-earned victory. High-fives and cheers filled the air as they made their way off the field, basking in the glory of their win. Thomas, alongside Keng, walked towards Kong and Namping, who were waiting for them on the sidelines.

Keng's unexpected move stunned everyone gathered around. With a wide grin, he enveloped Namping in a tight hug, sending shockwaves through the crowd. Girls nearby erupted into excited screams, their admiration for Keng evident in their eyes.

Namping, taken aback by the sudden display of affection, blinked in surprise as Keng released him from the embrace. Kong, always quick with a teasing remark, shot Namping a knowing look before turning his attention to Thomas,a water bottle in his hand

a familiar figure approached from the sidelines. It was Maya, accompanied by a friend. She sauntered over to Thomas, a flirtatious smile playing on her lips as she complimented his performance on the field.

"You were amazing out there, Thomas," Maya purred, her voice dripping with admiration. "You looked so good while playing."

Thomas offered a polite smile in response, his gratitude evident in his tone. "Thanks, Maya. I appreciate it," he replied, declining her offer of the drink. "But I'm not thirsty right now. Maybe later?"

Maya's surprise quickly turned to annoyance as she bid him farewell and walked away, her friend trailing behind her. Meanwhile, Kong observed the exchange with keen interest,

As Thomas stepped closer to Kong, a mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes. "Aren't you gonna open that for me?" he asked, nodding towards the water bottle in Kong's hand.

Kong raised an eyebrow, recalling Thomas's earlier refusal. "Oh, I thought you weren't thirsty," he teased, handing over the bottle.

"Well, I am now," Thomas quipped, taking the bottle and eagerly taking a long sip. The cool water refreshed him, trickling down his throat as he drank.

Kong couldn't help but admire Thomas, his wet hair and glistening face adding to his allure. Unable to tear his gaze away, Kong found himself captivated by his friend's undeniable charm.

With a satisfied sigh, Thomas capped the water bottle and grinned at Kong. "Thanks, " he said, his voice laced with appreciation.

Kong simply nodded, his admiration for Thomas evident in the silent exchange between them

Maya's blood boiled as she watched Thomas take a casual sip from Kong's water bottle. Her grip tightened around her own bottle, the plastic creaking under the pressure of her anger.

Maya is the only child. Since childhood she always used to get whatever she wanted. No her dad will bring anything she wants. She had a crush on Thomas for long. But he never showed any interest in her despite her showing it. He always looked uncomfortable around her.
She was used to getting what she wanted, and Thomas was supposed to be hers, dammit.

Turning to her friend, Maya's voice dripped with entitlement. "I'll do anything to make Thomas mine."

Her friend, accustomed to Maya's spoiled ways, nodded eagerly, knowing there was no stopping her when she set her mind on something. "Remember that conversation we overheard during the trip to Phiphi? Namping and Kong were talking about the project. Kong mentioned something about drawing Thomas, and that's why he approached him."

Maya's eyes lit up with a malicious gleam as pieces of the puzzle clicked into place. "So that's his game. Using Thomas for his art project. Well, we'll see about that."

Her friend grinned, thrilled to be part of Maya's scheming. "Exactly! We can turn this to our advantage."

The scene fades as Maya and her friend exchange knowing looks, their minds whirling with devious possibilities.

That's it for the part. I'm having my entrance exams so i can't post the next part till 9th june. I will definitely try to post it soon after that. There will be like 3 more parts ig. I don't even know if yall like this, it's kinda seems boring for me 🙂 anyway i will finish it.this is my first time writing a ff soo.. Anyway just leave comments if you have any suggestions. Ok then byee..Take care 🫶🏻

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