Part 15

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As the rain continued its relentless downpour, Thomas sighed softly as he realized Kong was still sound asleep in the passenger seat. Leaning in, he attempted to gently rouse him, but Kong remained blissfully unaware, sleeping like a baby.

With a resigned smile, Thomas stepped out into the rain, determined to ensure Kong's comfort. Opening the door on Kong's side, he carefully lifted him into his arms, shielding him from the rain as he cradled him close.

Kong's hands instinctively found their way around Thomas's neck, his head resting against Thomas's chest as they made their way up the stairs to Kong's dorm. The dorm warden, taken aback by the sight before her, blushed and quickly opened the door to Kong's room, allowing Thomas to enter.

Setting Kong down gently on the bed, Thomas hesitated as Kong's hands remained wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer until their faces were mere inches apart. Thomas's breath caught in his throat as he found himself captivated by the proximity, his gaze drawn irresistibly to Kong's lips.

Desire surged through him, threatening to overwhelm his senses, but with great effort, he tore his gaze away, reminding himself of Kong's inebriated state. Slowly, gently, he untangled Kong's arms from around his neck, tucking him snugly beneath the covers.

Before leaving, Thomas couldn't resist pressing a tender kiss to Kong's forehead, his heart swelling with a mixture of longing and restraint. With one last lingering look, he quietly slipped out of the room, leaving Kong to slumber peacefully..

The next morning

As Kong stirred from his slumber, the dull throb of a headache pulsed through his temples, a harsh reminder of the alcohol-fueled escapades from the night before. Blinking groggily, he glanced around the familiar confines of his dorm room, his memory hazy as he tried to piece together the events leading up to his current state.

"How did I get here?" he mumbled to himself, rubbing his temples in a futile attempt to alleviate the pounding in his head. Recollections of drinking with Namping floated to the surface of his mind, offering a faint glimmer of explanation.

A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts, prompting him to shuffle over and swing it open. Standing before him was the dorm warden, a sympathetic expression on her face as she held out a hangover remedy.

"Here," she said, offering the concoction to Kong. "Your boyfriend asked me to give this to you when you woke up."

Kong's eyes widened in disbelief. "Boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend," he stammered, confusion clouding his thoughts.

The warden arched an eyebrow, her gaze appraising. "Well, whoever he is, he's quite the catch. Tall, handsome, and he even carried you all the way here last night. Seems like he cares about you a lot."

Kong's mind raced as he tried to make sense of the situation. "His name... was it Thomas?" he ventured tentatively.

A knowing smile tugged at the corners of the warden's lips. "That's the one," she confirmed. "And judging by the way he looked at you, I'd say he's more than just a friend."

With a final nod, the warden took her leave, leaving Kong to grapple with the newfound revelation. As memories from the previous night flooded back, including a confession he scarcely remembered making, Kong's heart fluttered with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

Before he could dwell on it further, his phone buzzed with an incoming call, and he saw Thomas's name flashing on the screen. With a rush of nerves, Kong answered the call, unsure of what to expect but unable to ignore the flutter of anticipation in his chest.

Hey, Kong, you awake?" Thomas's voice came through the phone, warm and gentle.

"Yeah, I'm up," Kong replied, his heart fluttering in his chest. "How are you?"

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