part 13

235 12 20

I was planning to post this on 9th June but since it's 2k i will do it now.. Thanks a lot.. ❤️ enjoy

Kong has started drawing thomas. He can now remember all of his features

Maybe i should tell him about this after finishing the drawing. Also I'm gonna tell him about my feelings.. Would i be able to do that??

Kong was lost in his thoughts when someone touched his shoulder

He turned to see namping

Namping : what are you drawing

Namping turned to see a familiar eyes

Namping : wait isn't it Thomas??

Kong ( sighs) yess I've started my project it's already late

Namping : so you haven't asked him yet?

Kong : Noo i just couldn't ask him. What if he asks me why i wanna draw him of all people?

Namping : Just say you find him attractive 🫣

Kong : yaahh stop it. You know i won't be able to say that

Namping : How long are you gonna keep this kong? Don't you think you should tell him about your feelings before it's too late?

Kong scratch his head

I don't know.. I've never done this before.. What if he doesn't love me back? Then it's gonna be awkward between us don't you think?

Namping : If he doesn't like you then he doesn't! You can move on!!

Namping noticed kong was still confused.

Namping : heyy kong can i ask you something? I've never asked this because i thought you'd be uncomfortable.. But these days you don't look ok

Kong : what is it?

Namping : Is it because of your dad

Namping noticed a sudden change in Kong's face when he mentioned his dad

Kong : it.. It's complicated

Namping : you know you can talk to me about anything right? I'm here for you

Kong's expression darkens as he recalls some painful memories

[Flashback: A young Kong, barely a teenager, cowers in the corner of a dimly lit room, his father's shadow looming over him.]

Dad: What's this, huh? Some kind of sick joke?

[Kong's dad brandishes a tattered diary, his eyes ablaze with fury as he reads aloud the words written within.]

Dad: "you like boys"? Is that what you are, huh? Disgusting.

[A sharp blow lands across Kong's cheek, sending him sprawling to the ground. His mother rushes into the room, her eyes wide with horror at the scene unfolding before her.]

Mom: Stop it! Stop hurting him!

[Kong's dad turns his fury towards his wife, his hand raised threateningly.]

Dad: you Stay out of this,! This is between me and him!

[Kong's mom steps forward, her voice trembling but determined.]

Mom: No, he's Our son!

[Kong's dad's face contorts with rage, but before he can strike, Kong's mom steps between them, shielding Kong from further harm.]

Mom: Please,  He's just a child. He needs our love, not... this.

[Kong's dad's anger simmers, but he relents, his gaze flickering between his wife and son.]

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