Part 9

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They reached the destination

As it was pretty late, everyone went to their rooms and slept.

The next morning

As the sun rose over Phi Phi Island, Kong and Namping emerged from their rooms, ready to capture the beauty of the day with their cameras. Amongst the bustling activity, they ran into Keng, who greeted them warmly.

"Hey, guys Good morning

Good morning pkeng

Keng : namping how about we take some photos of the sunrise??

Namping : Yeah ofc

But Keng's excitement was quickly dampened when he realized he had left his camera bag behind. Kong,volunteered to retrieve it.

"Don't worry, I'll get it for you," Kong assured, as he and Namping exchanged knowing glances.

Keng : ohh thankyou kong. I will give you my room no. Thomas will be there you Just need to ask him

After exchanging room numbers, Kong made his way to Thomas's room to fetch the camera bag. He knocked lightly, but when there was no response, he cautiously entered.

Hello? Is anyone there?" Kong called out softly.

To his surprise, the bathroom door swung open, revealing a shirtless Thomas with damp hair. Blushing furiously, Kong instinctively covered his eyes.

"Uh, sorry! I didn't mean to intrude," Kong stammered.

Thomas chuckled, teasingly asking why Kong was so flustered. Kong sheepishly requested that Thomas put on a shirt, his cheeks burning with embarrassment.

Once Thomas was decently clothed, Kong explained the purpose of his visit, and Thomas quickly retrieved the camera bag.

"I'll come with you," Thomas offered, and Kong nodded gratefully.

As they walked together, Kong couldn't help but ask Thomas why he had joined the trip. Thomas admitted it was Keng's persuasion, but his true reason was Kong himself.

"And why are you here?" Thomas inquired, turning the question back to Kong.

Kong hesitated for a moment before confessing, "Well, Namping urged me to come,

Their conversation was interrupted as they reached the gathering spot, where the other club members awaited them.

Wai : ok guys so since everyone is here, let's start our contest. You guys have time till 12pm. Those who aren't in the contest, you can enjoy your time here

Everyone started their work

The photography club members are scattered, each engrossed in capturing their contest-worthy shots. Meanwhile, Kong and Thomas, not part of the club, take a leisurely stroll along the sea shore, engaging in conversation.

Kong: This beach is always so peaceful. It's a nice break from the hustle and bustle of school.

Thomas: Sometimes you just need to take a moment and enjoy the serenity.

Kong spots some kayaks on the shore and gestures towards them.]

Kong: Hey, have you ever tried kayaking? It looks like fun. Maybe we could give it a shot.

[Before Thomas can respond, a familiar voice interrupts from behind, calling his name.]

Maya: Thomas! Hey there!

Thomas turns around to see Maya, a classmate, approaching them with a smile.]

Thomas: Oh, hey Maya. What's up?

[Kong notices Maya's demeanor and shifts uncomfortably, sensing her intentions.]

Maya: Just taking a stroll by the beach. What about you? What brings you here?

[Maya subtly edges closer to Thomas, flashing a flirtatious grin.]

[Feeling uneasy, Kong starts to walk away, hoping to give Thomas some space.]

Thomas: Uh, actually, Maya, I was just-

Maya: [cutting in] Oh, don't worry, I can guess. You're probably busy with something important, right?

[Thomas glances back at Kong, noticing his departure.]

Thomas: Yeah, actually, I am. Sorry, Maya. I'll catch you later.

[Quickly excusing himself, Thomas hurries after Kong, leaving Maya standing alone on the shore. As she watches them go, suspicion flickers in her eyes.]

Hey that's it for the part. Sorry it's kinda short. My mind is completely blank after the exams. I can't think of any scenes. I'm so sorry 😕

Btw I've introduced a new character

Name : Maya

Age : 20

Fine art student. ( Kong's classmate)

Her dad is Thomas's dad's friend.
Has a crush on thomas since childhood.

Stay tuned for the next parts, the ending is near ❤️

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