Part 14

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Kong let's eat!!!

Namping entered Kong's dorm room.

Normally kong would jump out of the bed when he hear the word Food. But this time he was just lying down.

Heyy kongg what are you doing?? Let's go eattt

Namping shouted again

I'm not hungry ping.. You go eat... Kong's voice was barely above a whisper

Namping, knowing Kong was really upset, went to him right away. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked gently, seeing Kong's eyes all red. Kong just hugged him tight, crying, "I messed up, Namping. I messed up.Everything's ruined. He hates me now."

Namping didn't push Kong to talk more, he just hugged him back, letting him know he's there.

It's okay kong.. It will be alright. He slowly patted his head

After a while, Kong felt a bit better and said thanks to Namping.

Namping suggested, "Let's go grab something to eat? And maybe a drink too, just for tonight?"

Kong thought about it and nodded, feeling like it might help.

They went out to eat, and it was nice to be out, away from all the heavy stuff. They talked about random things, and it made Kong smile a bit.

They ended up having a bit too much to drink,

At the cozy, dimly lit restaurant. Kong and Namping sit at a table, surrounded by empty plates and glasses. Both are visibly tipsy, giggling at each other's jokes.

Kong :ping you know what you're my bestfriend

Namping : Haha, you're mine too,  Cheers to that!

Kong was pretty drunk that he dozed off in the table

Namping grabs his phone, struggling a bit to unlock it.

Namping: I'm gonna call Keng. I don't think we can make it to the dorm in this state

[Keng, who's with Thomas at the moment, sees Namping's name pop up on his phone and picks up.]

Keng: Hey, ping, what's up?

Namping: Hello darlingg....

[Keng exchanges a puzzled look with Thomas, who's listening in.]

Keng : wait are you drunk?? Where are you??? Are you alone

Namping : noo I'm with kong he's drunk too. Can you come pick us

Thomas: What's going on?

Keng : Tell me where are you I'll come right away!

Namping: Yeah,come fast Kong's shivering like a little puppy because it's cold!

Hearing Kong's name thomas eagerly stood up

Keng: Alright, Namping, sounds like you guys are having fun. But take care of Kong, okay? I'll come pick you both up.

Namping: Sure thing, Darling!

[Keng hangs up and turns to Thomas, concern etched on his face.]

Keng: We need to go, now.

Thomas: I'll drive separately. I need to talk to Kong alone.

Keng : ok then

[They rush to the restaurant ]

Time skips

Outside the restaurant. Keng and Thomas arrive to find Kong and Namping sleeping on a bench. Keng gently shakes Namping awake.

Keng: ping, wake up. Time to go home.

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