Chapter 211 - Giddy Up

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"Do you think they will be fine?" I ask Lyona as we start our short journey back home while holding hands.

My quiet Vampire partner sighs softly. "I admit that things escalated beyond what I was expecting, but I believe in my family. I can understand how shocking the revelation is so I don't blame them for wanting more time to calmly consider everything from start to finish. The only thing I find hard to forgive are the actions of my mother."

"Are you still angry that she tried to... do something to me?" I brush the top of her palm with my thumb.

"She tried to put you under her charm and most likely make you forget everything connected to me," Lyona explains. "We do that sometimes, and even I'm not unsullied by such deeds, but it's a step that's only taken when nothing else provides enough certainty and safety, and never towards a person sharing a connection with a member of our race. At least not without a proper council first. Charm is usually only used for spontaneous slips and Humans glimpsing flashes of what they shouldn't have seen."

"And because I'm currently in a relationship with you, it was quite offensive towards your person." I nod to myself.

"Not entirely." The white-haired beauty shakes her head. "Yes, I was furious she tried to charm you, my mate, without talking about it with anyone first, but as your subordinate through the Blood Oath and the bond we share after you claimed me, I couldn't stand still when my Lord was being disrespected this much. Trying to charm another Vampire, which rarely works, is greatly frowned upon. Trying to charm a Vampire Lord... Well, it's an easy way to lose one's life. Possibly their entire lineage too."

"I'm not a Vampire, though. I can imitate some parts thanks to you, but it doesn't change what I am," I respond to her explanation.

"You are a Primordial, Master, aren't you? Primordials are the progenitors of most if not all the races, right?" She glances up at me as we slow down a bit. "Then that means you are the ancestor of the first Vampire Lord or Lady, even if you don't show our characteristic features at all times. Do you think you would be able to assimilate and use abilities and quirks of other races if your very being wasn't completely compatible with them?"

I ponder over her words for a moment. It's technically true that I became capable of utilising those after becoming a Primordial. If we look at it from a more modern angle, I would require proper hardware to handle all the different software I can install from my collection. If I want to delve into an expansion, I need the base first.

"There might be something to that, as you say, but my skill doesn't allow me to copy everything," I say after a while. "Some parts are unavailable, depending on the race of the person I have a connection with, that are incompatible with my body. If it was all up to my Primordial bloodline, that wouldn't really be a thing, no?"

It's Lyona's turn to wrestle with her thoughts as the smart girl rubs her chin while walking ahead with a distant gaze. Moving my hand away from her grasp, I wrap my arm around her slim waist to help guide the thinking girl through the streets, preventing my pretty companion from bumping into anything in anyone.

"I have another theory, Master," she finally speaks up after a few minutes. "I think it might depend on your strength, meaning your Tier and proficiency in handling your powers. At higher Tiers, those previously unavailable options might unlock. From what I understand, you aren't a born Primordial, so you might need time to grow before becoming equal to the ancestors from ancient times."

"Hmmm. That does sound believable." I look up into the sky. "I can see that being possible. I guess we'll have to keep an eye on my abilities as I level up."

"To me, you are already a perfect being, My Lord." Lyona stops in front of me and shows a somewhat soft smile. "I'm glad we found each other and I received a chance to become your Blood Bond."

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