Chapter 224 - The First Descent

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Slowly opening my eyes, I find Ayumi and Codae chatting quietly while helping themselves to the pizza we have brought as a gift, most likely trying not to wake me up by being too loud. An unnecessary thought, but an appreciated one for sure. And since they don't pay too much attention to me, I take a deep breath to announce my return, fluttering my eyelashes a few more times as they pause and glance my way.

"I'm happy to see that you have gone ahead and taken a bite." I smile at the ladies. "Guess I'm too used to people waiting for me or wanting to ask for permission once again before digging in. It's a breath of fresh air."

"It would be a waste to let it get cold." The chieftess shrugs and tears another tasty piece off with her sharp fangs. "Besides, as you have said, it's a gift. It would be impolite not to partake in it with you present. At least that's how things are done here."

"Good." I nod at her. "How long was I out? Did I miss anything important?"

"Just a few minutes and nothing much," Mom replies with a warm expression. "I'm honestly a little worried about Noah and Sirgia. He rarely gets this quiet when he's in his room. These walls and corridors aren't that thick or far away from each other."

"It's alright." I chuckle lightly. "I bet he is just too captivated by what she is making to cause any commotion. When Sirgia gets in the zone, nothing can get her out of it, so no matter how hard he tries, she won't be disturbed during her craft. Trust me, I would know."

"A quality many geniuses share," Codae agrees with me. "Our potter is the same. To the extent that her workshop almost burned down because she didn't notice the fire until it reached her forming wheel. The kiln spilled for some reason and it was close to a tragedy."

"Yeah. It do be like that sometimes." I smirk softly. "Besides, she'll certainly appreciate the opportunity to look after him, even if Noah is close to a teenager now."

Being a mother, Ayumi instantly picks up on the cue I give within that sentence.

"Are you two planning to grow your family?" the feline woman asks with a big smile. "I always wanted to live long enough to see my grandkids. This was still so far away with Noah. Especially since our village is rather small now."

"Well, I'm not sure if I can say that we are planning it, but someone has recently become a bit more eager to consider bringing another variable to this equation." I laugh a little. "As you can guess, we live a rather busy and eventful life. It's not that long ago since it has stabilised a tiny bit. It's still going to take a moment before we solve all the issues with Sirgia's family, but whenever we wrap it all up, I don't think I'll be able to escape her pleading gaze. She's just way too sweet and usually so withdrawn."

"Most males would envy you." The raccoon woman snorts. "It's fairly common amongst them to seek a quiet and submissive mate that completely defers to them."

"Yeah, I get that. But, personally, I think that's way too simple-minded." I shake my head. "You are effectively shelving about half of possible mates who are also incredible females. Sometimes you need to take a step back and let the woman take the reins, especially when she is stronger, more experienced, more knowledgeable, or generally better at certain things than you are. You lose way too much otherwise. I'm sure I wouldn't be where I am if not for all those incredible ladies who support me, and plenty of them could have beaten my ass into a pulp in the beginning."

"Ladies?" Mom raises a curious brow at me.

"Yes." I smile cordially and turn to her. "While Sirgia won't take this responsibility upon herself too soon, your wish might be granted faster than you think. I never said I have only one mate. There's someone already expecting back at our home, albeit in very early stages."

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