Chapter 216 - Chase the Light

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"No, seriously, I really need to know what you've done to this saddle." I keep staring down the crafty Dwarf acting all shy. "At this point, I don't know if I even can call it that."

"You use it to ride on Diana's back, do you not, Master?" Sirgia asks innocently.

"Don't get smart with me, girlie." Squinting, I point at her. "You know what I mean."

Showing a big smile, she tones down the cute act and trots up to me, giving me a delicate hug. "I just figured out that with all this empty space due to its size, I could add a few things and make it more useful for you, Master. Diana is so big we were able to fit five different weapon modules into the design. Plus a few more utility ones."

Brushing my fingers through her fragrant hair, I shake my head. "And here I thought that trick with the handles was all to it. But, I should have expected that my little Dwarf genius wouldn't stop at the more indecent concepts. You aren't that far gone, are you?"

A deep blush taking over her soft cheeks makes it clear that I might not have yet seen everything related to that purpose. Rolling my eyes playfully, I lean down to place an appreciative kiss on Sirgia's forehead.

"This was fun. A lot. But, it would have been much safer if you told me about some of these beforehand. Diana had to guide me and I feel like we would have done much better while properly cooperating, which we began doing near the very end," I explain.

"I wanted to surprise you, Master. Hoped to make a presentation soon. I'm sorry for delaying it so much." An honest apology is what I receive in return judging by the slightly sad glance.

"It's alright. Things often don't go according to plans and you know it." I give Sirgia a few more loving pats. "What can you tell me about it now? The presentation is pretty much over, and I did get a nice look."

We move closer to Diana, who remains vigilant as her purplish tongue hangs out off her muzzle while she cools herself down with rather adorable canine panting. My tiny lover looks the saddle over, and understanding her intentions, I lift Sirgia so she can examine the potential damage much easier, checking if nothing requires her immediate attention.

A few minutes later, I bring her down and Diana sets her impressive body on the ground too, allowing us to rest on her. Sirgia gently brushes her fur while returning her attention to me.

"So far, you discovered the chain shot, the pellet burst, the harpoon launcher, and the net caster," she lists while counting on her fingers. "I don't think I need to explain their respective roles. From what I have seen, you used all of them properly. Well, besides the harpoon. It was intended as a tool to bring the target down or hold it in place by multiple individuals, not to be used as a swing."

"The credit for that one goes to Diana." I give our clever girl a few ear rubs. "You two must have tested these quite a lot for her to already be comfortable coming up with new uses."

"A little bit. We didn't have that much time since she joined our family just recently, but I could tell that she enjoyed the test runs in the forests around the city," Sirgia replies with a tiny smile. "There is one more basic function, which I'm thankful you haven't used. Enclosed spaces aren't the best environment to release it. Plus, Wyvern scales are fairly heat resistant, even if they are far from immune."

"Heat?" I raise a curious brow at her.

"The last contraption is a high-pressure tubular liquid spraying system. But, the actual liquid is easily flammable and hard to douse. There's a sparkstone attached at the end of the channel to ignite it on exit. I think you can imagine the inconvenience of having half of the fortifications covered in that post-battle," she explains with a fierce glint in her pretty eyes.

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