Chapter 225 - The Hidden Need

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Checking myself over one last time, I turn most of my attention to the settlement ahead. Standing at the edge of the jungle surrounding the tall palisade, I take a good look at everything. Parts of the grass are charred or dented by the attacks from the giant chickens or my lovely little mate. I can spot some leftover traces of burned vines here and there, evidence of our additional helper, whose appearance surprised not only the villagers.

Since this would be the best opportunity to address that event as I haven't yet been spotted by the people milling about the defences and the fallen cocks, I face the deep tropical forest once more and walk a bit further in. Noting that I'm shielded from sight fairly enough, I put my hands on my hips and take a deep breath.

"I know you are watching somehow. Come out. I have a feeling that things won't end fast after I step into the village," I say, raising a brow at the shrubbery and other flora.

As expected, some bushes part and the ground captures my gaze. I observe a tiny flower bud poke out of the wild grass, which grows at an incredible pace, surrounded by protective vines prodding its surroundings like some kind of feelers. The cup reaches a rather familiar size and colour, unhurriedly opening up in a swirling fashion. As the petals settle in their angled position, two timidly smiling silhouettes poke their upper halves out of the natural fence, reaching far enough to display their generous assets past the fragrant line.

"Are you angry, Master?" Lilia, the blue-haired Liliraune asks hesitantly.

"Did we scare you?" Lilie, the pink-haired half of the same entity twirls her fingers anxiously.

"Have you called us to tell us to stay away?" The first girl nervously bites down on her bottom lip.

It feels like they are going to continue rolling out those assumptions if not stopped so I interject as soon as I realise that. "You haven't come anywhere close to grossing me off with that stunt so don't beat yourselves down over such a badass and lethal form. If anything, it only made me understand that you aren't defenceless save for your magical charm and lifeforce drain."

They exchange glances and their smiles turn a bit more relieved. Both ladies step out of their cup, the glistening caramel honey slowly sliding off their long green legs and adorning the grass under their feet. I can't help but admire their seductive nude forms as they saunter up to me and flank my sides, wrapping themselves around my arms and nestling their heads in the crooks of my neck pretty much in perfect sync.

"But, you still are angry, right?" Lilia tries again.

"Maybe a little." I give their supple butts a delicate spank, causing them both to giggle and gasp alluringly. "You know these people are hostile to you. Yet, you showed up in front of them just as they were about to attack with fire. I would have liked you to discuss this with me beforehand instead of risking getting hurt from both sides of the conflict. Then, maybe I could have eased the settlers into it to some extent."

"Sorry." Their slightly differing voices sound at the same moment.

"We saw how many of them were on the way and thought you might be in danger," Lilie explains.

"We only saw you take down one Cocasaurus before you defeated us," Lilia adds with her emerald tongue flicking past her supple lips as her eyes peer down my front.

"I get it. Though, I would have hoped you might trust my abilities a bit more after the talk with my companions." I graze their backs affectionately. "Nevertheless, the cat is out of the bag now. They will definitely have questions and I'm not sure the chieftess believed my reasoning."

"Maybe if they saw us listening to your orders they would find it easier to believe?" the blue woman suggests.

"Perhaps we could assist everyone with the repairs?" the pink woman continues after her other half

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