Chapter 222 - Hero of Old

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By my intention, the dip in the water was supposed to be short and efficient. Still, it appears that I have underestimated the excitement such a thing can bring to beings usually restricted to their tiny personal space. As long as the flower girls keep themselves close to me, they can enjoy actual freedom. From what they have told me, such situations are extremely rare and they rarely leave their cup, save for a very desperate situation where their prey is so close yet not yet in their clutches. Each second out of the honey filling their flower is agonising.

Yet, here they are, splashing each other with water and giggling joyfully. I watch the pair of beauties have some fun as I clean the remaining nectar off my skin and hair. Naturally, since we are still all naked, which is a basic state for these gorgeous ladies anyway, I do get a nice view of their greenish figures and certain alluring aspects.

It takes quite some persuasion to convince Lilia and Lilie to get out. But, a deep kiss full of mana for each does solve the issue temporarily. It also gets them fairly turned on again, both girls already recovered from our earlier battle. I somehow manage to bring us to the shore without another round, albeit with a lady on my arm each and poking teasingly at my member as it leads the charge valiantly.

Arriving in front of the concealed suitcase, I resummon my clothes, which evokes a few disappointed whines and pouts. But, my new friends obediently follow my lead and step into the rectangle after me, coming down the tight staircase. I watch them attentively, making sure entering this sealed space doesn't hurt their connection with their flower. It's as important to them as the birth tree of a Dryad to the forest lady.

When we step into the reception, they gasp in wonder and look everywhere.

"Are you royalty?" Lilia asks.

"Someone with a hidden house this big has to be," Lilie points out.

"No, not really." I shake my head while chuckling. "But, I do know a few. And this mansion was given to me by a king, in the end. Well, not this exact one, but the building on which this recreation is based, back at my actual home."

"Master is way above something like royalty," Sirgia comments, strolling into the spacious hall in a familiar maid outfit. "As a Primordial, he is the rightful progenitor of all races, making him their direct superior."

"I knew you smelled too good!" The pink-haired girl grins eagerly.

"And your semen was way too energising." The blue-haired girl nods while licking her lips.

"Never mind all of that. Do you need any help here?" I turn to my little lover.

"No, Master. We are done with the preparations. Follow me and we can start." She bows politely and spins around fast enough to flash me her cute butt, sneaking a peek over her shoulder to check if my eyes have skipped to it as intended.

Sighing softly, I ruffle through her hair and we move to the dining hall. In there, I find the Oreads also dressed in maid uniforms, milling about in wait. At our entrance, they quickly gather around a big collection of tables set up with lots of meat and other dishes, but mostly revolving around poultry. Without further ado, we sit down and enjoy the feast. I'm sure both the Oreads and the Lilies are sated for quite a while, but that doesn't stop them from sampling my incredible wife's cooking mastery.

"So, what are you doing here, Master?" Lilie inquires as we dig in.

"Travelling, as I said earlier," I reply. "Mostly passing through. We need to get to the other side of this jungle and past the other line of mountains."

"Is it because of them?" Lilia gestures at the Nymphs. "It's been a while since we've seen your kind. Did something happen to your dwelling?"

"You can say that." Ianthe smiles ruefully. "But, no, we are just accompanying Master Alastair since he offered us shelter at his home in the Human lands. To not make it too difficult for him, we wait in this magnificent residence."

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