BFBS : 8

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Chapter 5

My phone rings, startling me awake. I rapidly blink, trying to get my eyes to focus. I'm disoriented, and it takes me a few seconds to realize where I am. It's been so long since I've done anything but work, and on my days off I spend most of my time catching up on the sleep I've missed.

I feel around on the nightstand for my phone, and have a minor panic attack when I see my mom's name. Unless it's my birthday, I always do. And even then, my anxiety goes up every time I see her name on the caller ID.

Maybe today is the day the Narcan didn't work.

Maybe today is the day they found him a little too late.

"Hello?" I answer, pushing myself up onto my elbows.

"Hey, Freen." Mom's voice is calm, but that doesn't mean much. "How's my favorite doctor?"

I let out a breath and realize it's going on ten o'clock. She's not waking me up early in the morning with terrible news.


"Hang in there, you're almost done."

"Yeah," I say, though work wasn't the reason I'm tired this morning. I got back to the room late and should have crashed. But I couldn't because I couldn't get my mind to shut off.

Rebecca was in my thoughts, in my dreams, pulling on my heart. I almost messed up last night. Almost took things too far.


I can't let it happen again.

She's my best friend's little sister, and he's made it abundantly clear the best way to get on his shit list is to make a move on Rebecca. No, he's never directly told me to stay away from her, but the unwritten rules of friendship are there. And who's to say Rebecca would even go for me?

She's the most interesting person I know, and while being able to introduce myself as a doctor definitely helps me score, the effect is lost on Rebecca. She's not impressed by titles or jobs that make lots of money. Though most of the women who fawn over doctors don't realize how little a resident doctor makes.

Rebecca is different. She's smart and self-sufficient. She sold a fucking app to Apple before she was twenty-five and works for one of the most up-and-coming software companies in the nation.

"Freen?" Mom repeats my name.

"Sorry, Mom, didn't hear you."

"Are you at work?"

Yawning, I lay back in bed. "No. I was sleeping."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. Why did you answer?"

I don't say it, but she knows exactly why I answered. I've spent the last fifteen years worried every time my phone rang it was the call. "I need to get up anyway. I'm meeting the guys later."

"The guys? Oh, right! You're back in Eastwood with Heng Asavarid Armstrong. Have fun, Freen. You deserve it."

"Yeah. How''s everything at home?" It's the most specific I'll get, but Mom can read between the lines.

"Things are looking up. For now. The last few days have been easy. Dad got some time off from work and we've all gone out and did the things we used to, like bowling and dinner."

"That's good to hear."

"We miss you."

"Yeah," I say, knowing not everyone in the "we" even gives a shit. "I'll call and check in next week. Love you."

"Yeah, you too." I hang up, feeling my pulse still race. I waver back and forth between sadness and anger, hating him for doing this to us. Sometimes I think he's a selfish prick. Other times I think he's a victim of his disease.

It's hard not to be mad at him, and even harder not to resent him. I miss him as much as I never want to see him again, and I hate him as much as I love him. Though in the end, he's family. In the end, I just want him to live.

I want him to be my big brother again and not the addict he's become.

"There's been a slight change in plans." Heng sets his phone down and finishes his beer. The plans for today were nothing more than drinking and playing video games. Catching up on the same old shit we used to do in college, besides go out chasing girls.

"Why?" Gulf doesn't look away from the TV.

"The caterers got sick and no one else is free."

"How is that our problem?"

Heng gives his younger brother a glare. "There's no one to make the food for the party."

"Again," Gulf starts. "How is that our problem?"

"And you wonder why you're still single," Bright mutters.

I laugh, finding the banter between Heng and his brothers to be oddly comforting. "You said plans changed," I say. "What have they changed to?"

"Going to the house to help Nam, my mom, and Rebecca."


"Sure." I do my best to sound annoyed. Cooking a big, fancy meal on a Saturday afternoon is the last thing I want to do. Hell, cooking a big, fancy meal any day sounds like a terrible time. I don't know how to cook and I hate washing dishes.

But if Rebecca's there...

I need to stop. Heng is right there, standing feet from me, and I'm thinking of stripping his sister down and burying my cock between her legs. Fuck. Bright and Gulf are right here too.

All three of them would kill me if they knew what I want to do to their precious Rebecca. What I've wanted to do...what I've imagined doing over and over again. I've jerked off to the thought of her, fucked her in my dreams more than once.

And it's never enough. Every time leaves me wanting more and I don't know exactly what it is about her that drives me so fucking wild. She's like my kryptonite and the closer I get, the weaker I become. Soon I'll cave and give in...and lose my best friend and the entire family that have become as close to me as my own.


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