BFBS : 11

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I push a stuffed mushroom around on my plate. It's too hot to eat but standing here without something in my mouth leaves me at risk of talking. Freen steps closer. Speaking of things to put in my mouth...

"Maybe I'm reading into this too much," Freen starts, looking perturbed. "But was your grandma just hitting on me?"

The effort to control my smile fails me. "She's gotten a little, how should I say it—crude. Her memory is all there and she drives and lives alone, but she kinda says whatever is on her mind now."

Freen laughs. "I'll take it as a compliment then. And you do look nice tonight, Rebecca." She swallows hard, looking me over for a brief moment.

"Thanks. And you do too." I look at her and she looks away, and we're left standing there in awkward silence.

"Everything turned out nice."

"Yeah, it did," I agree, internally wincing. I didn't think anything could be worse than not talking but making forced small talk is.

"The stuffed mushrooms are good."

Shoot me now. "It's Nana's recipe."

Freen nods. "Well, I should go find Heng."

"He's right there, still talking to Nam's crazy aunt."

"Oh, right." Freen steps back from the table, letting another partygoer get some food. My mind flashes to my dream about Freen last night, and as annoyed with her as I am, there's no denying how fucking sexy she looks right now.

"I should, uh, go check on the chickens," I blurt.

"The ones outside?"

"Yeah." Cursing myself, I go into the kitchen and pour myself a glass of wine. I get a mouthful down when Mom comes in, carrying a stack of dirty plates.

"This is so much fun," she says with a broad smile. "Just think of how much more fun it'll be when it's you getting married. I get to plan the whole thing!"

Nam threw Mom a bone by letting her plan tonight's party since it'll be her family taking care of the bridal shower and then the wedding.


"Oh, it'll happen, sweetheart. You are looking for someone, right?"

"In a sense."

"Whatever happened to that guy two floors down?"

"Our first date didn't go so well."

Mom raises an eyebrow. "Maybe you're being picky."

"He ate nachos with a fork. A fork, Mom. You can't stab a chip with a fork."

"He didn't want to get his hands dirty." She smiles then quickly changes her mind. "What kind of first date did you go on where you were ordering nachos?"

"A Cubs game. He has really good seats too. I might have been able to let the fork thing go, but then he put ketchup on a hot dog."

"Chicago has changed you. What about your new intern?"

"Mom, he's my intern."

She opens the cabinet and takes out her own wine glass. "So he's not good enough for you because he's an intern?"

"He's a lot younger than me because he's my intern."

"A younger man isn't a bad thing, you know. Men typically die first. This could be your insurance you don't end up a widow."

I take another gulp of wine. "You're not much better than Nana," I mutter and set my wine down and wrap my fingers around my wrist. "Do you have any Advil?"

"There's some in the cabinet next to the fridge. Is your wrist hurting again?"

"Yeah, that dull ache is back and it's traveling up my arm when I extend it." I make a face and shake out my hand. "I'm sore from being on my computer for hours every day."

"You should get it checked out. My girlfriend Gloria had something similar, always in pain, then had some sort of surgery done. I can ask her—wait! We have a surgeon here with us! Let me go find Freen."

"Mom, no, she's not here—" And she's out of the kitchen. "To work," I say to myself. I grab the Advil and pop a pill in my mouth, washing it down with wine.

"Are you taking painkillers with alcohol?" Freen gives me a smug smirk.

"Relax, Dr. Fuddy-Duddy. It's just an Advil."

"You still shouldn't do that."

"Noted." I raise my eyebrows.

"Your mom asked me to come in here because you're in pain."

I wave my hand in the air. "I'm fine. It's just random shooting pains in my arm that go up to my shoulder."

"Which arm?"

"I'm not having a heart attack," I sass. "It's my wrist and really, I'm fine."

"I can take a look."

"I guess it won't hurt anything." I set my empty wine glass in the sink and cross the kitchen. My heart starts to speed up and heat rushes through me, settling between my thighs. I stand before Freen, left arm extended, fighting off the insane attraction I'm feeling.

Freen gently takes my wrist in her hands. "It's not swollen. Does it hurt now?"

"It's off and on. Like a dull ache."

"What makes it hurt more?" She turns my arm over and runs her thumb down my forearm. I suppress a shiver, licking my lips as I watch her fingers slide over my flesh. I tear my eyes away from her hand to look up at her face, but that only makes things worse.

— TBC 🐻

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