BFBS : 16

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We get to the convention with time to spare before the next panel. I go up to my room, setting the timer on my phone for twenty minutes. I stretch out on the bed and close my eyes. Five minutes later, my phone rings. Grumbling, I sit up and see it's Mom.

"Hey, Mom," I answer, heart already in my throat.

"Freen," she says, voice strained, and I know something bad happened. "Is this a bad time?"

"No, Mom, it's never a bad time. What's going on?"

"I found a bottle of pills in Felix's room when I was cleaning."

"What does the bottle say?" I pinch the bridge of my nose.


"That's Ativan. What do the pills look like?"

"Round and orange."

I sigh. "That's not Ativan. Give me the numbers scored in the pill." I've been over this with her before. She can enter this information into a Google search and find the pill. But I know she's anxious and upset. I know how guilty she and dad feel over their oldest son becoming an addict.

They feel like they failed him, like they weren't good enough and didn't give him enough attention. I've tried to tell them that's not the case. They're not bad parents. They gave us everything they could. I turned out okay. Better than okay, according to some.

"It's amphetamine and dextroamphetamine."

"Is that bad?"

"Yes, Mom, it's bad. It's Adderall."

Mom doesn't say anything for a few seconds. "That doesn't mean he's taking it. It was in the back of the closet, along with a pack of cigarettes. And I know he doesn't smoke anymore. I'd smell it on his clothes if he did."

"Yeah, I guess." I lost all faith in my brother recovering after his third failed attempt at rehab.

"Would it show up on a drug test?"

"Depends on what they are looking for. Given his history, I'd assume they'd check for a wide range."

"Good. He passed the test last week."

"Then maybe he isn't taking it."

"I just want my Felix back," she says softly. "I miss him."

"Me too, Mom. How's Dad? Is he taking his blood pressure medication every day?"

"I make him. And remind him that his doctor daughter won't hesitate to call and yell." I can hear the smile in Mom's voice. I let out a small breath of relief. "I'll let you go. Thanks, Freen."

"Anytime, Mom."

I lay back down and close my eyes but am not able to fall back asleep. It's been a long time since I spoke with my brother. We're not on the best terms, with me struggling not to blame him for everything and him being jealous I actually did something with my life. When my alarm goes off, I'm glad to get up and get Felix out of my head. He's pretty much out of my life.

The final panels are interesting, and once they're over, Tyler and I get a cab into the city. Charlene texts and says she'll meet us in the lobby, and once we get there, it's apparent why. They work in a high-rise, and security clearance is needed to go up into their office.

The place is open and modern and Rene sits behind the front desk. She bats her eyes and smiles when she sees me. Then the phone rings, and she answers it, holding up her finger, signaling me to hold on a minute.

"There's an open bar," Charlene tells us. "And after this, a bunch of us are going out for more drinks."

"Sounds fun," Tyler says. Rene transfers the call and comes out from behind the desk. "What do you guys do?"

"Well, we answer the phones," Rene tells him and leads the way into the office. Music comes from the back, and people are gathered around a makeshift bar. "So nothing too exciting. Not like surgery, I bet!" She giggles. "But this place is a software company."

"Software?" I ask. There's no way. There are tons of software companies in the city.

"Yeah. Don't ask me to explain it because I can't. The nerds design programs or whatever." She slows a bit, looking down the hall into an office with a large, glass door. "Speaking of nerds, my boss is still working, so let's get this party started early!"

I can't remember the name of the company Rebecva works for, and before I can ask, the name on the large glass door comes into view.

Rebecca Armstrong.

I do a double take and catch a glimpse of her brunette ponytail. Taking a step back, I see her sitting behind her desk with a smile on her face. She leans back in her chair, laughing.

And then he moves in, sitting on the edge of her desk. She points to something on the computer screen in front of her, and he leans closer before turning to face her. The smile broadens on her face and she blushes.

I have no idea what's actually going on. All I know is it's making me want to Hulk out and flip tables. Rebecca isn't mine. She has no idea how much I want her, or how long I've wanted her at that.

And yet I'm instantly jealous to see her with another man.

Goddammit. She's so much more than a piece of ass to me and it's about damn time I admit it to myself: I'm in love with her.

And now I'm standing in her office, walking next to her bitchy secretary who's insulted her more than once in the little amount of time I've spent with her. I need to get out, or at the very least, away from Rene.

I don't want to mess this up any more than I already have.

But it's too late because Rebecca looks up and stares right at me.


— TBC 🐻

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