BFBS : 14

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Standing here looking at Rebecca, with her messy hair, thick sweater hiding her perfect tits, and dogs circling around her feet in hopes of more food, I feel more nervous that I did the first time I stood in front of a patient on the operating table with a scalpel in my hand.


"Your wrist. How's your wrist?"

"My wrist?" she questions, nostrils flaring. She lets out a sigh and picks up the plate the dogs licked clean. "Same as yesterday. I ordered a posture brace on Amazon to help with my shoulder pain, not that you care."

I'd offer to massage her shoulders, but the moment my hands land on her back, all bets are off.

Suddenly, Rebecca advances. She's inches away, arms crossed tightly over her chest and head tipped up to mine.

"That's not what you wanted to talk about." She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth and cocks her head. "Is it?"


"Don't Rebecca me, Freen. You know as well as I do you weren't going to talk to me about my wrist." She lets out a frustrated breath and lets her arms fall to the sides. Her fingers brush against me, and my skin feels electric just from that small touch.


"But fine. I'll play that game. Here." She holds up her hand. "Examine me, doctor."

Her words are meant to mock, but they do the opposite. I'll examine every inch of her body. Twice. Three times. Just to be certain nothing was missed.

I take her wrist and tug her forward, knocking her off balance so she falls against me, both her hands flat on my shoulder. I slip my other hand around her waist, stopping at the small of her back. Rebecca's lips part and she gasps.

Instead of struggling to get away, she relaxes in my arms, and nothing has ever felt more right.

Even though this is wrong.

Rebecca is in my arms, back arched and tits against my chest. My cock is hard, pulsing against the confines of my jeans. Thunder booms above and Rebecca shivers.

"Do you still want to talk?" My voice is gruffer than I intend, but the harshness does something for Rebecca. She slides her hands up my chest and around my shoulders.

"There are other things I'd rather do," she says, voice breathy. Fuck. She's killing me. She brushes her hips against mine, feeling my erection through my pants. "And I think you would too."

I do. I so fucking do and she knows it.

"Freen," she says softly and hearing her whisper my name is almost enough to make me come right then and there. I slowly bring my face down to hers. I'm going to kiss her. After all this time, it's finally fucking happening.

Then the floor creaks and Heng and Mr. Armstrong 's voices echo through the house. Heng's been a better brother to me than my real brother. Mr. Armstrong stepped in and filled the role of a father when my own was bailing Felix out of jail or going to the hospital to confirm the identity of the unconscious junkie the paramedics brought in.

"Stop," I tell Rebecca, ripping my heart out of my chest as I speak. "You're Heng's sister."

"I know who I am, and if that's all you see me as..." She pushes away and walks out of the kitchen without looking back.

"I'm telling you, you gotta fuck her out of your system."

I carefully make the incision, not taking my eyes off my patient to look at Noey. "And that means?"

"You've been hung up on this piece of ass for years. She's always been your forbidden fruit. And trust me on this: the fruit looks better than it actually tastes. Drive back up to that Podunk town, fuck her hard and dirty, kick her out as soon as you're done, and she'll be history."

"That is terrible advice," Kath, one of the OR nurses says. "If you like this girl, tell her. Take her out on a date and treat her like an actual human being and not a piece of meat."

"That's not a way to get over her," Noey counters.

I can feel Kath's eyes on me. "I don't think she wants to get over her."

Kath's right, but I don't let anyone in the operating room know. I used to agree with Bambam, having thought Rebecca was someone I sexually desired, but seeing her again over the weekend changed things.

Though really, it's always been the same.

I never let myself think about it. I shut down the thought the moment it came into my mind. Rebecca had to be the girl I wanted to fuck, not the girl I wanted to settle down with. Because I couldn't. I still can't.

"She doesn't live in that Podunk town." I exchange tools and go back to the mass we're removing from this guy's abdomen. "She lives in Chicago."

"Then drive your ass up there so you can tap her ass."

"You're disgusting," Kath says.

Noey laughs. "I do what I have to do. And now it's time for Freen to figure this shit out. I mean, look at her. She could be out fucking the world, but she's gotten less ass in the last five years than I did those months I had mono."

Kath shakes her head. "I'll say it again. Disgusting."

"If you're not willing to fuck her out of your system, then at least fuck someone else. You'll be doing yourself a favor in more ways than one. If you're never going to make your move, then you need to move on."

We finish the surgery, and I think about what Noey said, wondering if there's any validity to it. Not the part about using Rebecca like a real-life sex doll, but the part of her losing her appeal if we finally hooked up. I've thought about and pined after this woman for years, unable to get her out of my head.

Maybe that's all I need. One night with Rebecca to snap me out of this fucking annoying-as-hell funk so I can get on with my life.

I meet with my patient and his family in the recovery unit and talk about how the procedure went and what he can expect in terms of healing. Stomach grumbling, I head out, telling Noey I'll meet him in the cafeteria. We have about an hour before our next scheduled surgery and I'm fucking starving.

"Freen Sarocha," a familiar female voice says, coming from behind me. "Just the one I was looking for."

I turn away from the elevator and see Melissa Miller, one of the attending physicians I worked under, making her way over.

"Hello, Dr. Miller." The elevator opens and she motions to step in.

"I was going to tell you I've finished your letter of recommendation, but you might not need it. I have a friend on the surgical team at another hospital, and—I'll cut to the chase. Are you still interested in a trauma fellowship?"

"Yes, I still am."

"Great." She smiles. "I was supposed to go to a conference at the end of the week and can't now due to work obligations. The Board has everything already paid for and set up. One of the speakers is particular, to say the least. Talking to him before applying could be a foot in the door since the fellowship is extremely competitive. You're one of the best resident surgeons I've seen, it never hurts to get a leg up."


"What's your schedule like this week?"

I laugh.

"That bad?" She raises her eyebrows. "Let me pull a few strings. I know a good surgeon when I see one."

"Thank you, Dr. Miller. Where is the conference?"



— TBC 🐻

Best friend's Baby Sister [END]Where stories live. Discover now