BFBS : 9

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I've never been an impulsive person. Don't get me wrong, I'm far from a saint. But I don't do crazy shit. Yet for some reason, Rebecca has gotten under my skin and crazy is all I want to do.

With her.

To her.

The only way to keep that from happening is to shut it down.

"You're with me." Rebecca slides her bare feet into sandals and grabs her purse. "Ready?"

I blink. Shake myself. Try not to acknowledge how damn sexy she looks in those cut-off shorts and t-shirt. It's loose-fitting, tucked into the front of her shorts. The collar hangs just low enough to be teasing, showing off the top of her perfect cleavage. Her hair is up in a messy bun on the top of her head, and she's not wearing a bit of makeup.

"Yeah. I'm ready."

She unfolds the grocery list her mom wrote out and snaps a picture of it with her phone. "I'll lose the paper," she explains. "And now I'm going to leave the list on the counter and see how long it takes before my mom calls and freaks out." Her smile is fucking adorable.

She walks ahead of me, and I divert my eyes, knowing if I look at her ass I'm done for. We make it three steps before I flick my eyes up. One quick look is all it takes to get my cock's attention. The denim rides up her ass a bit, and I watch her butt cheeks move beneath the material.

Rebecca doesn't drive a Ferrari, but she does drive a Porsche. Loud music plays from the speakers as soon as she turns the car on.

"I forgot to turn it down," she says and brings the volume low enough to talk over. "Thanks again for taking me home last night."

"It was on the way."

"Not really, but it wasn't too far out of the way. So, thanks. And it was nice last night talking to you."

"Yeah." I look out the window. I can feel Rebecca's eyes on me but don't turn to look at her. I don't want to be a jerk, but I don't know how to act around Rebecca.

I've never been so sexually frustrated with anyone in my entire life. I like her. I want her. But I can't have her and being off limits only makes my dick harder. She fiddles with the radio the rest of the way.

"All right," she says when we get to the store. She brings up the picture of the shopping list and grabs a cart. "We should probably start at the bakery and work our way around, getting the cold stuff last."

She's thinking out loud, which is something that usually irritates the piss out of me when people do that. But not Rebecca. Every flaw, every little weird thing she does draws me to her even more.

"It makes more sense to split up. You go to the bakery and I'll go to the deli. We can meet in the middle and save time," I say.

"Oh, uh, okay. That's a good idea."

"I know. We can get this over with."

Rebecca airdrops me the photo of the list and pushes the cart in the opposite direction. I grab a basket and start walking, not knowing where I'm going, too irritated to stop and figure it out. She has no idea what she's doing to me and is clueless about how hard it is for me to curb what I'm feeling for her. And even if she wasn't Heng's sister, it doesn't make sense to date anyone right now. I have no idea where I'll end up. I could get a job at a hospital halfway across the country for all I know.

I circle around the store before I find the deli, and get everything from there on the list.

"There you are." Rebecca's voice comes from behind me. "I thought maybe you got bored and ran off. I've been waiting for you by the canned goods. They're in the middle, after all, and on the list."

"Right. I don't know where things are here."

"True, and I do. What have you gotten so far?"

I put the basket of groceries in the cart, and she checks things off her list. Cold air seeps from the coolers around us, and Rebecca shivers, goosebumps breaking out over her arms. Her nipples are hard, faintly visible through her t-shirt.

Biting the inside of my cheek, I turn away, shifting my cock in my pants to hide the semi I have going on.

"We're almost done." Rebecca sticks her phone back in her purse and turns the cart around. "I know where the rest of this stuff is."

She leads the way to the produce, picking out potatoes and carrots. Two carrots are stuck together in a deformity, and the larger one has a growth that looks like a tiny penis. Rebecca snickers and puts it in the cart.

"What's so funny?"

"Come on," she says, holding up the carrot.


She hikes up an eyebrow. "Do you have to be a serious fuddy-duddy all the time now that you're a doctor?"


"Yeah, a fuddy-duddy."

"I've never heard an adult say that."

She rolls her eyes. "Well, you are one. You can't say you didn't think the same thing I did when you saw that deformed carrot."

"It just looks like a deformed carrot to me."

She lets out a small sigh and gets the rest of the produce we need, crossing the last thing off our list. We get in the checkout line behind a young mother, visibly exhausted as she tries to juggle twins who are I'm guessing to be around six months old and a crying two-year-old.

The cashier totals up her order and the mom digs her credit card out of her bag. It's declined. Her cheeks turn bright red and the cashier runs it again. And again. I probably wouldn't have noticed if it wasn't for the way Rebecca is staring. She bites her lip and gets her own credit card from her purse.

"I can try entering the numbers manually," the cashier says. The young mom nods, on the verge of tears, and turns to attend to the toddler, who's on the floor crying now. Rebecca takes a quick step up and slides her own card through the reader.

The cashier eyes Rebecca and she just smiles back at him, then uses her finger to messily sign her name. The mom straightens up right as the receipt starts to print.

Her eyes go from the receipt to Rebecca and back again.

"Thank you," she whispers, voice wavering with emotion. "I knew we might not have enough, but they're hungry and..." She stops, looking up to try to keep her tears from coming.

"You're welcome," Rebecca says. "You have beautiful children."

The two-year-old stops crying, looking up at Rebecca with curiosity. The mom thanks her again and again, wiping away her tears, before she and her children leave. Rebecca moves on, acting like what she did was no big deal. She doesn't want recognition from it. Doesn't want anyone to pat her on the back.

That's just Rebecca. As kind as she is pretty.

The situation with her just went from bad to worse. Because as I stand here looking at her, it hits me that she's not just someone I want to hook up with. She's someone I could fall in love with.

And I think I already have.


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