BFBS : 32

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Rebecca stirs but doesn't open her eyes. She rolls onto her back, her hand going to the pillow above her head. It hurts physically to keep my eyes open, but I want to remember this moment as best I can.

Losing the battle against sleep, I fall back and doze off. What feels like seconds later, the snooze alarm goes off. Blindly, I reach for her on the nightstand.

"Freen?" Rebecca says softly, her voice thick with sleep. Her eyes flutter open and she smiles when she sees me. "Do you need to get up?"

I slip my arms under her and pull her close. Her head rests on my shoulder and she hooks one leg over me.

"I don't have to."

"You can't skip your... your... whatever that thing is."

"I just came to talk to Dr. Crawford about the scholarship, which I did. He's not here today anyway. I'd rather stay here and give you a thorough medical exam. Hone my skills that way."

"Well, that sounds educational, and I'm very willing to help you expand your areas of expertise." She pulls the blankets around her shoulders. "Or go back to sleep. You can do a sleep study on me."

"I like the sound of that." I let my eyes close, my head falling to the side to rest against her. All the awkward tension melted away the moment we got into bed together last night. We didn't have sex again, but the moment we lay down together, things felt back to the way they should be.

The world feels right when Rebecca is in my arms. Her fingertips dance up and down my arm, lulling me back to sleep. And then my snooze alarm goes off again. Damn it. It's a habit to just hit it again instead of turning it off. I hadn't planned on not showing up for the panels I signed up for, but if I 'accidentally' forgot to set the alarm, no one could blame me.

She sits up, brushing her hair from her eyes. "I can make you breakfast." She runs her hand down my chest, her fingers brushing the tip of my dick, deliberately teasing me. "Go back to sleep. You didn't get much last night, and I kind of feel responsible."

"You didn't get much either."

"Yes, but I can take a nap after you leave. I suppose I'll need my strength for later, right?" She bites her lip, looking so damn sexy.

"Fuck yes." I wrap my arms around her and bring her to me, giving her a quick kiss before she gets out of bed.

"Turn off your alarm. I won't let you oversleep."

I watch her leave, admiring her ass in her short sleeper shorts. With her in my mind, I lie down and fall asleep in a few minutes.


The mattress sinks down beside me and the sweet smell of maple syrup fills my nose.

"Freen," Jennie repeats quietly.

I open my eyes and her face is the first thing I see. Yawning, I push myself up. "Breakfast in bed? You know I'm never leaving now, right?"

"That was my plan, after all. Lure you in with food and sex, then hold you hostage and kill you."

I take the tray from Rebecca, my stomach growling at the sight of pancakes, bacon and eggs. "As long as I get to eat all this and fuck you one more time, I'll die a happy man."

She smiles and brushes her hair back. "You said it was over at two?"

"Yes. Is this going to work with your kidnapping plan?"

"I was hoping to have you tied up and bleeding by one, but I can delay things a bit. That'll give me more time to get the kill room ready."

"Kill room? You are serious."

"I'm a serious person, Freen. You'll find out later."

I cut into my pancake. "When you kill me?"

"You'll be begging for death when I'm done with you."

I laugh and put the piece of pancake in my mouth. They're good. Light and buttery and the exact same recipe as Mrs. Armstrong's. I always thought it was weird that she made everything from scratch, because what's the point of all that premade stuff you can conveniently add water to if you're not going to use it?

"Do you want some?" I ask her, since she's not eating.

"No thanks. I don't like eggs and I already ate a ton of bacon while waiting for the pancakes to be ready."

Nodding, I pick up a piece of bacon and put it in my mouth. Rebecca stretches her arms out in front of her and leans back against the pillows.

"When are you going home?"

"Tonight," I say, and the word hits me in the gut. "My flight is at five thirty."

"Oh." She looks down and we're both thinking the same thing. Our desire for each other had smoldered over the years, sparking here and there, but never getting hot enough to ignite.

And then it explodes into a wildfire.

The thing about wildfires is that they burn bright and they burn hot, but eventually they die out.

— TBC 🐻

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