BFBS : 27

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My knees are already weak. I don't know if I can physically stand it. My panties hit the floor and she gently lifts up one of my legs, letting my underwear slip free one foot at a time. She licks her lips and puts her mouth over my clit. I inhale sharply, eyes fluttering shut.

But then she brings her face up, kissing her way up my stomach. She gets back on her feet and slips one hand around me to unhook my bra. I'm completely naked in front of her, so overcome by desire now I forget to feel shy.

Freen looks at me like I'm the only woman in the world. Seeing the lust in her eyes, knowing what the sight of my naked body is doing to her, gives me power. I lick my lips and bring my hand down, plunging it inside of her boxers.

She lets out a groan, standing there enjoying me jerk her off, and then grabs my wrist, pulling it away from her cock. She grits her teeth, bracing herself for the sudden stop of being pleasured, and brings my hand up over my head, and does the same with the other, holding them both with one hand, leaving her other free to continue touching me. Keeping both of my wrists locked in her grasp, she kisses me again and drops one hand down to my thighs.

She urges my legs open, running her fingertips over the tender flesh inside my thigh. With slow, deliberate movements, she brings them up closer and closer. Inch by fucking inch. My pussy is screaming. Begging. Dying to be touched. She finds my clit and sweeps her fingers over it so lightly it's the biggest tease, almost as if this is a game to her and she's seeing how long I can hold out before I shove her boxers down, take hold of her cock, and push her inside me.

If it is a game, I'm not going to win, because I can't last much longer. And if it means that monster cock thrusts inside me, I'm okay with being the loser.

"I want you," I whisper, and those three words are all it takes for Freen to become the one unable to hold out. She brings her hand up, rubbing my clit. I press my back hard against the wall, needing the support.

Fuck, she's good with her hands. She slides a finger inside me, pressing against my G-spot and then going back to my clit. The back and forth winds me up, and it doesn't take long before I'm riding on the edge of an orgasm.

And she knows it. She fucking knows it and slows down, lightening her touch until I move my hips down, pressing myself against her. I'm right there, so close to coming. I need to come.

"Are you getting greedy, Rebecca?" she groans, voice deep and throaty in my ear.

"Mmmhh," I moan, tipping my head up to her. Fighting against her grip, I try to free my arms. Freen's fingers tighten around my wrist, pressing them harder into the wall. Her lips meet mine again, but this time her kiss is slow and tender. She releases my wrists and brings her hand down to my shoulder, gently squeezing as she slides it to the back of my neck.

Though I'm still desperate for her to throw me down and fuck me hard, I can't ignore the tenderness in her touch. The way her kisses feel as natural as breathing. How well we meld together like we were made for this.

"What do you want, Rebecca?" she asks gruffly, sweeping her fingers over my most sensitive parts.


"I know that." She slowly slides a finger between my folds, spreading my wetness. "What do you want me to do to you?"

"I want you to fuck me," I pant, hands settling on her arms. It would be easy to feel shy and vulnerable right now, standing here completely naked while her still has most of her clothes on. I'm pinned between her body and the wall, dripping wet with her hand between my legs.

But I don't.

I bite my lip, taking in a shaky breath, and slide one hand down her chest. My fingers dance over her cock, and I watch her eyes flutter as I circle the gleaming tip for a moment. Then I grab her wrist and push her hand away.

"And if you won't, I'll have to finish myself."

Freen's eyes widen and she looks down, lips parting as she watches me touch myself.

"You got me so hot, Freen," I moan. "I need to come."

"Holy shit, Bec," she breathes.

"What?" I ask innocently. "Jealous?"

"That is not what I am right now."

"Freen," I start, rubbing my fingers over my clit. I let out a moan. "Take your shirt off."

Not taking her eyes off me, she starts to unbutton her shirt, giving up halfway through and rips it off. She pulls her white undershirt over her head, then dives forward, moving my arms so she can pick me up. I fasten my legs around her, holding onto her neck as she carries me into my bedroom.

It's dark in here, but enough light spills in from the living room to illuminate her face. She lays me down, moving overtop. I bend my legs up, feeling her hardness press into me, and tug at the elastic in her boxers. Ignoring my attempts to strip her bare, she moves down and parts my legs.

I gasp when her tongue lashes out against me. There's no hesitation. No teasing with a light touch. Not this time.

She slides her hands under my ass and lifts me up just a bit, bringing my pussy to her mouth. She's not only good with her hands, but her tongue is magic as well. And right now, it's flicking my clit with fury. I flatten my hands on the bed, only to grab the comforter and twist it in my grip.

— TBC 🐻

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