BFBS : 25

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Everything is so Rebecca, tasteful yet a little quirky.

"Here ya go." She comes back into the living room, holding a phone cord, and crouches down next to the couch to plug it into the wall. Then she takes my phone from me and hooks it up.

She takes a step back and crosses her arms over her body again. I hate that she feels like she has to physically guard herself from me. Hurting her is the last thing I want to do, which is exactly why we need to stop this before it starts. "I'm going to get some water. Do you want some?"

"Yeah, thanks."

I watch her go into the kitchen, cats following her in hopes of more food. Her dress hugs her curves in all the right places. It's loose around her legs, hiding her tight ass until she moves and the outline can be seen through the thin fabric. The neckline of her dress goes to a deep-V, tight against her tits.

She moves her hair over her shoulder and picks up the cats' water bowl, rinsing it out and filling it up before she grabs two water bottles from the fridge and comes back to the couch. Taking a long drink, she recaps her water and sits back with a sigh.

I thought she was a little drunk before. Nothing like pulling a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde to make a girl sober up.

My phone buzzes back to life, beeping from a missed text. I glance over, curious to see who it's from but not really interested in opening it. Then I see it's from my mom. There's only one reason she'd text me this late. I put the water bottle on the coffee table and turn away from her to unlock my phone.

My heart speeds up and I try to prepare myself for the worst. I always do. Because someday, the worst will happen.

Mom: Felix passed out. We just got to the hospital. I tried calling you, but it went straight to voicemail. I hate leaving you messages like this, but I wanted to tell you in know. I'll update you when I can.

The next text was sent sometime later.

Mom: It's his kidneys again, and they're putting him on some new medication. We'll be home in the morning. Don't worry about calling tonight. We're all exhausted and I know how hard you've been working. We're proud of you, Freen. Love you.

"Freen?" Rebecca's voice is as soft as her touch. Her hand lands on my arm. "Is everything okay?"

I read the text again. One of these times, medical intervention isn't going to be enough. One of these times, my brother is going to take it so far there's no coming back. Years of drug use have already taken their toll on his body, and he's only a year and a half older than me.

"Is everything okay?" she asks again.

I put my phone down, shifting my gaze from the bright screen to Rebecca's beautiful face.

"It will be."

She pushes her hair back and nods. "Are you tired?" she asks carefully, and I read between the lines. She's wondering if I'm going to stay or go, though I can't tell what she's hoping for.

"Not really."

"Oh, uh, okay."

Silence falls between us, and over the noise of the city below, I can hear my own heart pounding away in my chest. Rebecca tucks her legs up under herself and leans forward to pet Lego, who jumped up next to me, purring.

Her dress gaps and her tits almost spill out. The will of the gods couldn't keep me from stealing a glance. The faint outline of her nipple is visible through the thin material of a light purple bra. There's no padding. No pushup. I want to bury my face between her breasts and kiss my way down to her sweet cunt.

My cock jumps as an intense wave of desire crashes over me. I don't know how much longer I can resist her. It was one thing when I wasn't sure if she wanted me too, but after tonight I know she does.

I want her so fucking bad. But I shouldn't.

"Well, I had a nice time," Rebecca starts, not looking away from the cat. "Even if you didn't, I did. So, uh, thanks for taking me out on our non-date."

"What makes you think I didn't have a nice time too?"

She brings her arms back in and shrugs, shyly flicking her gaze to mine. "I don't know."

"I did, Rebecca. I had a nice time, too."

She brings her head up, this time staring at me dubiously. "You seemed to like it until the end. Again. And I just—"

She cuts off, letting out an exasperated sigh. "You know what, it's fine. Never mind. It's like you're playing a game whenever we're together, giving me just enough of yourself to make me want more. You open up only to shut me out, and even if I had all the cheat codes to force a win, this isn't a game I want to play." She closes her eyes, jaw tense, and stands. "I'll call you an Uber. It's late and I'm sure you're tired."

"Bec, don't."

"Why? One minute I think you like me and the next you can't get away from me fast enough. I can't figure you out, Freen, and it's making me feel really fucking stupid."

I get to my feet and grab her wrist, gently pulling her hand toward me. I take her phone and toss it on the couch.

And then I kiss her.

— TBC 🐻

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