Ch 11- Tanisha Vs Goenka's

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Many of them just cried after the meeting in Hardik's room, They just cannot imagine the girl they loved was so broken. Mahi bhai and other just made a group excluding Virat and Aarohi. Whole morning they discussed their plan not letting Virat and Aarohi know. The girl's left with Aarohi some already brought new dress but some did shopping as many international brands have their shop.

(Fun Fact:- Kolkata has many Luxury and Branded retail shop during 2012.)

The girls went to Sabyasachi store they took all the dresses while Aarohi called Virat as all dress she is sending to his house as Smriti was going early. Only Dhoni knew they were going to delhi to make sure Akshara who has already came with her husband to Rathore place does not mess the plan. Shivansh and Nisha along with Tanisha who became great friends with Aarohi was already keeping them in line. They kept the dress and sent fake dress to the Rathore place (they were also beautiful just imagine.) as Abhimanyu due to jealousy can destroy them in the name of seeing the material.

in Rathore Place

Abhimanyu already starting complaining about the color schemes  and Flowers. Akshara went to suggest Shivansh to decorate everything in Marigold. Only to showed her place by Tanisha who said

You are married, you did what you want in you marriage now do not give you comments you have a middle class taste we cannot do anything But Aarohi is marring not only India's pride also her marriage is one the marriages which will have to opened for Interviewers. Just shut up and enjoy do not poke your nose in everything.

Akshara counter by saying we will see how you get married to Vansh only to be cut off by Vansh We are already married which shocked Akshara said bhai you cannot marry this BENGALI witch!! making even Manish flinch to Vansh slapping Akshara. Vansh tried to console Tanisha but she just looked at Manish and Mimi  and just left but before saying this like i will ever come to Goenka Mansion. 

Vansh just looked at Manish with disappointment then turn to Akshara JUST LEAVE. Akshara left the room. Manish tried to make up for Akshara as Tanisha was a Lovely girl and he thought when she will come she will let old Vansh back to the family. Manish was about to say, Vansh just said to Mimi  "Mimi you will come with us to kolkata or not i do not know but I have decied it is best for us and Tanisha's Mental health to stay away from you all". Mimi just said "I cannot go with you all  but come to this old woman sometimes" Vansh left to find Tanisha only to find her sitting with Nisha(Both were childhood friend's ) and was crying. Tanisha saw vansh and Hugged him tightly.

While Mimi only scolded Akshara by saying because of her their reputation was on stake and Tanisha their Daughter-in-law their Lakshmi will never come their house. She was sad and only taunted Manish as he spoiled Akshara. When Akshara understood that what she said lead another family member leaving their house, She planned to make Tanisha feel sorry and make them come to Goenka's house as without her and Aarohi who will taunt and take her frustration out. 

Tanisha just cried the whole day and stayed sad but she was so angry even Vansh who had seen Tanisha's worst anger could not stop her. Tanisha started insulting Abhimanyu then Birla's going went as far as to insult in Manish who tried to Defend Akshara. Tanisha almost strangled Akshara only to be stopped by Vansh and Nisha. Tanisha went to Kairav who just commented on her behavior slapped across the face making everyone step back in fear she just hold Kairav hair and with some throw him on the ground and beat the shit out of him and then beat him as she cannot beat Akshara. Vansh picked her up in bridal style to take her to her room followed by the Rathore's. The Rathore's and Kohli were trying their best to make her happy. Vansh came only to make sure Manish did not take any legal action against Tanisha which was pressurized by Abhimanyu only to be knocked some sense to Manish that it will only insult Kairav as Tanisha can put Legal action against both akshara and Kairav, Manish got scared and dismissed the problem. Tanisha bruised kairav's jaw and broke his left hand while right had some cracks. Vansh went back only to see Smriti came and tried to make Tanisha actually smiled and forgot her sadness which she successfully did.

23rd morning

Everyone came to Rathore place when they found out tanisha's fight with Goenka's Aarohi hugged her but now they dicussed her plans. They rested as from tomorrow function start. Aarohi just talk to the designer and then Nisha left to bring original Aarohi Mehndi dress and bachelor party's dress. 

24- mehndi and Aarohi's bachelor party

25- sangeet

26- Haldi and Virat's bachelor party.

27- Punjabi wedding

28- Rajasthani wedding and Vidai

30- reception 1

31- reception 2

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