Normal meeting, normal WAIT SCHOOL?!?!

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(y/n)= your name

(e/c) = eye color

(h/c) = hair color

Mexico(your) P.O.V

I sat there looking out onto the chaos I had grown so accustomed to. As I looked at England and France fighting (like the old married couple I swear they were) the other countries soon joined the fight. I let out a loud laugh loving how fun and lively world meetings always got. As I was about to join in on the bickering I spotted Germany looking, not defeated but likely stressed at the others.

Giving a slight smile I walked up behind him "no te preocupes(don't worry), my friend. I'll handle these idiots for ya!" I said while patting his back "*sigh* Danke(thank you) Mexico" with a final smile at Germany I climbed onto the table and took a deep breath "CALLENSE IDIOTAS(shut up idiots) OR I WILL USE MY SECRET WEAPON!" I screamed as loud as I could while taking off my chancla to assert dominance. Most of the countries settled down after that and those that didn't.... well they got a Mexican Mom Beating(TM).

While I had managed to keep the countries quiet for a bit it did not stop them from being unproductive. As the time to leave crept closer I noticed Japan went and stood beside Germany. "Before we leave zhe meeting I want to ask some of you to stay back" he glared into the crowd of unruly countries "America, Mexico, Russia, France, England, Spain. The rest of jou are free to leave". I couldn't help but think I had gotten myself in trouble again.

After the other countries left and we were the only ones left America spoke up "hey man what do you need the HERO for?" he practically screamed. To everyone's surprise, Japan, a rather shy guy, spoke up "Our bosses have requested we study each other's curture, and that means you wirr begin attending one of my schoors for some time" he looked around the room for any objections, we knew we couldn't say no to the bosses, plus it's not like theres anything important I had to do.... apart from some paperwork but that could wait "Schoor starts next Monday, we arranged to reave tomorrow" Some grunts were heard but life is what life is, we had to pack up and suck it up.

As I got into my villa I looked around for the things I'd need. I got some clothes, my toothbrush, a hairbrush, some video games, you know. The absolute essentials. This ought to be fun.

~Time Skip~

By some miracle, I managed to wake up relatively early. I took my sweet time getting out of my bed and my even sweeter time getting ready. The day before I had met up with the headmaster of the school I and the others would attend. I hated their female uniform. Yellow was not that great on me and my beautiful tan skin (too fabulous). Thankfully, with Japan's help, we came to an agreement seeing as i was genderfluid and the uniform was so awfully ugly I would be allowed to attend as a male under my other name Miguel Angel. I used a genderbending spell England somehow managed to master and teach to me to make myself look more mascule, after all i was assigned female at birth.

  Arriving an hour earlier I managed to scope out the best route to school and best places to grab a snack that wasn't myself. I managed to catch up with America and Japan sliding right between their sexual tension. This was too awkward for my taste. When we finally managed to make it to school I walked around, getting familiar with the layout. I took note of things I found interesting, a nice fountain, a supposedly abandoned music room, and the many libraries. I was going to explore those places during lunch or after school. Noticing the time I made my way to classroom 2-A, again bumping into America and Japan who were going to be my classmates.

The three of us waited outside the classroom waiting for our cues to go in and introduce ourselves. We went in, one by one, the pillar men theme song played inside my mind because of how good I looked. As the last to enter I smirked and winked at the girls making my already fabulous entrance that much better. In my noticeable accent, I introduced myself after "Kiku" and "Alfred". "Hola, my name is Miguel-Angel Garcia Rodriguez, but you may call me your Angel" nailed it. As I sat in my seat I noticed a blonde boy staring at me looking deep in thought. Weird.

As class finally ended I walked out, telling the hero and his sakura flower what and where I planned to be. "Anger-san prease do not kirr anyone, stay out of troubre" Japan said, knowing me all too well "If you get in trouble just CALL THE HERO!" Alfred said with a smile as i laughed "no promises Kiku darling" I winked at them and walked away.

  I made my way to the library, but as I got there I decided the trouble wasn't worth it. The place was too loud for a normal library. That was when I noticed.... a girl? She must have thought the same thing as I did because she muttered under her breath about silence. I walked up to her trying to make my first non-country friend "Hiya, I'm a transfer student. Angel at your service darling" I said smiling. With an almost unnoticeable blush, she responded "uh... oh um I'm Haruhi Fujioka, nice to meet you... Angel-senpai"

Haruhi and I walked around trying to find a place for her to study. That's when I remembered the music room.

A/N: This chapter has minor differences with the quotev story, they do not affect the plot. Thank you for reading my story

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