Obligatory Beach Episode

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 Ever since the host club went to check out the Ootori resort I felt closer to all of them. I still wasn't ready to tell them about my gender but I had let Kaoru and Hikaru see my weakest self along with Haruhi. Honey and Mori-senpai saw my caring motherly side, and Tamaki had seen my competitive side when we raced each other. Haruhi's remark about wanting to see the actual ocean on a beach stayed with me for days, it felt too much like foreshadowing.

At the moment I was walking with Haruhi with Honey on my shoulders, Mori following next to me "and then he said 'abrazos no balazos(hugs not shots)" I had felt more comfortable by now to tell them political stories about myself. I left out the shootouts I'd been involved in just to not make them worry "wow Ange-chan you really had a front-row seat to that?" I nodded, Honey never questioned the deeper meaning he just wanted to know if I was that close to a political figure.

The four of us made our way to the club room, Tamaki said something about just hanging out today without the guests. I had the task of opening the door and when I did. I wanted to close it again. The club room was filled with women's swimsuits, and since the club didn't know about me I could only see Haruhi in one of them. I blushed hitting my cheeks for thinking like that "w-w-what's the meaning of this?!" Haruhi and I screamed, "oh Haruhi!" of course it would be the Hitachiin twins who did this, their mom WAS a fashion icon "the club decided that-" "-since you want to see the ocean" "we're going to the beach" the twins split the first sentence and said the announcement in unison "not today satan" I finger gunned and backed away to the door "it's a mandatory trip" my soul almost jumped out of my body "Gawd damn Kyouya do NOT sneak up on me" I grasped at my very fragile heart "just tell me where and when I already put away my essentials y'know?" I actually hadn't, I just washed the clothes and left the rest in a forgotten corner. I just wanted an excuse to not see Haruhi pick out a bathing suit "I shall text you the details, Honey-senpai. Kindly get down from Angel-kun" I forgot he was there, I almost kidnapped Honey-senpai.

 I put Honey down and started walking away "for your information, there will be guests who come along with us to this trip" I nodded in response "gotcha" I went outside the school and over to America's temporary home. I knocked for about a minute and a red-faced Alfred greeted me "a-ah hey dude. What can the hEro do for you?" America's voice broke every now and then, I looked past him to see Japan hiding behind the couch. I put two and two together "about time yall made moves. anyways I wanna go shopping" I heard Japan squeak "h-hai A-angel-kun" It'll be a great time.

We stopped for some ice cream on our way to the mall, it gave me a chance to tease the two countries even more. I dragged the two into a swimsuit store "well ya see. My suit is too boring and the other ones are bikinis so I want another one. You know. Diversity" they nodded and went to help find something in my style. I browsed the racks but didn't find anything of interest. As I gave up America went up to me with a black swimsuit, it had a white skull on the side with red thorns and roses along with a white gun "wow. That's actually perfect Al" I took the suit and went to pay. Japan, America, and I browsed other stores for a while before calling it a day.

~time skip~

In the morning I woke up to a text from my phone. I woke up packed my things and read it.

Off-brand DeathNote: We're picking you up in 20. be ready

you: Alrighty how long are we staying?

Off-brand DeathNote: 2 days as far as I'm concerned.

you: stop being so formal in-text >:c

I laughed and got myself and everything else ready. Today's outfit was a blue-grey striped shirt with ripped jeans, I also put on my old dog tag necklace and some chains(cough Rantaro Amami cough). I walked outside to wait for Kyouya's limo. I took my phone out again because I had nothing better else to do. I called up America and Japan and told them what I would be up to and for how long just in case anything happened while I was away. I heard a honk and took that as a sign that the club was here. I slept most of the ride after making light conversation. Honey-senpai actually sat on my lap and we took a nap together.

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