Honey Gets Mad :( (PART 3)

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"IT IS WEDNESDAY MY DUDES" I yelled after getting ready and making breakfast "why are you so loud in the morning, Mexico?" Toni groaned and Ivan just gave me a cold stare with a creepy smile "why do you have to wake up so late? My house, my schedule" I retorted "sigh I guess that's fair enough" The three of us ate in silence. After breakfast, Toni volunteered to help with making our lunches, the two of us got to work as Ivan washed the morning's dishes. With the house relatively clean and our lunches made we started making our way to school.

As our trio walked I noticed Haruhi nearby and started blushing "awe did my little tomato see his pretty novia(girlfriend)?" I gasped lightly and tried to hide my blush as Spain teased me. No matter how badly I wanted to walk up to her my awkwardness prevented me from reaching out "she's just a friend Toni" with a frown I tried to ease the stinging burn of my chest every time I thought of Haruhi "she'd be more if you asked her out" I looked into Spain's eyes, they were soft and held pity, the sad smile he wore tugged at my heart "it's not worth it, Antonio. We already have a good relationship. I don't wanna ruin it" I didn't make an effort to catch up to Haruhi and the rest of the walk was spent in complete silence.

I knew that Spain had good intentions in mind, but this was different. Haruhi was one of the first human friends I had made in a couple of decades and I didn't want to ruin what we already had. As long as I could continue to see her, be by her side even if my heart stings and longs for more every time she smiles. As long as she's my friend, that can be enough for me.. Just having her in my life was enough to soothe the aching pain in my chest, she deserved someone better. Someone who could grow old with her. Someone that wasn't me. It could never be me.

I stared blankly at the teacher, barely registering what she had to say. Even if I had to pay attention I couldn't bring myself to care enough to listen to the lesson. My mind started wandering again, fully giving up on what the teacher was trying to teach. I thought about Honey and Mori. Today after club activities Honey was going to get his cavity fixed, I just hoped he could make it through the day. Poor Mori, I could tell he was beating himself up for something. I knew the look in his eyes better than anyone. The look of guilt. I think I wore that same glance more and more often lately.

"Angel-kun? Are you staying here for lunch?" I snapped my eyes to the direction of the voice "oh... Tamaki-kun. Yeah, I'll stay here for a while. Don't worry about it" I said as I tried to put on my best smile "if you say so. See you" I waved as he and Kyouya walked away and out of the near-empty classroom. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed America walk out of the room. Not questioning it I took out my lunch. With my hunger being overshadowed by my depressing thoughts I only poked at it and stared, never actually eating any of it "just terr her how you feel Anger-san. It'rr kirr you if you don't" I stared into Kiku's brown eyes "I know" feeling the tears threatening to spill from my eyes I shut them tightly "but I can't" My voice sounded like it was barely above a whisper "Your time together is rimited. Don't waste it" I hugged Japan's thin frame as my tears fell against my wishes "Arfred-san is on the way" I nodded and buried my head deeper into the crook of his neck.

As Japan and I held onto each other I heard a familiar pair of footsteps "I got Ivan to give me some of the good stuff. Cheer up dude, let's forget everything just for now" The two of us let go of each other and Alfred handed me the bottle of what I could only guess was alcohol "yeah. Let's forget for now" I felt a single tear fall as I took the first gulp. Our lunch period was spent talking our feelings out, and drinking except for Kiku. The rest of the class felt like it passed by in a blur. Not fast, not slow, just passing. With a sigh, I got up after gathering my things and made my way to the rooftop.

I knew that I should have been on my way to the club room, but I needed to clear my mind first. Plus I didn't want to show up smelling of alcohol. I sighed contently as the breeze hit my warm, intoxicated body. I walked over to the edge of the building and leaned my top half over the railing. My eyes scanned over the scenery below me, the pink cherry blossoms planted around the school grounds looked gorgeous. As I felt myself getting slightly more sober I decided to finally stop procrastinating and head to the club room.

The school hallways were quiet and lonely. Everyone was probably already where they needed to be so it felt and looked like I was the only person wandering the halls. Turning a corner I saw Honey run out of the club room and in my direction "Mitsukuni!" I yelped as both our bodies collapsed and fell to the ground together. Taking note of the tears in Honey's eyes I cradled him in my arms as he straddled my legs.

Wiping at the tears escaping his eyes I tried to speak softly "what happened, Honey-pie?" Honey sobbed for a bit before he was calm enough to speak "Mo*sob* Mori-chan is being so *sob* so mean to me lately *sob*" I held onto him as he continued to cry "It's okay Honey. It's gonna be ok. Mori is just trying his best. Let's go back and talk it out, okay?" I started getting up but it was harder than I expected with Honey still in my arms "Angel-kun?" I looked up at Tamaki "oh hey. I was just heading over to the club" Tamaki took a glance at my position and helped me and Honey up from the floor "thanks, Tamaki-kun... What happened to your hand?" Tamaki laughed a bit "long story, let's just head back for now" The two of us began walking back to the club with me still carrying Honey.

As we neared the club room we heard what was going on inside "You were being hard on Honey on purpose weren't you, senpai?" We all stood still as Haruhi spoke. The silence felt piercing as we all waited for anyone to make a sound "it's... all my fault. I forgot to remind Mitsukuni to brush his teeth" I guess that explains why Honey has a cavity. I have a small sigh and gently put Honey back on his feet. As soon as his tiny feet hit the ground he took off running towards Mori "Mori-chan!" Honey's cries and wails made my ears slightly hurt, but it was all worth it seeing the two make up.

Honey tried his best to make it up to Mori. Haruhi and the twins had taken it upon themselves to inform me of all the things I missed. I still couldn't believe that someone as tiny as Honey could throw Mori over their head. Life with the host club was never boring.

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