Meeting the Dad

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Throughout the week Haruhi and I continued to mend our relationship, little by little I felt more comfortable around her to the point where our old dynamic was forming again. Of course, I also hung out with the twins, often going to cafes together or playing video games. All three of them kept my secret and tried their best to respect my pronouns when I did feel like a different gender. My coming out had brought the four of us closer together, even Hikaru was slightly more open to me.

I did end up telling the twins about my crush on Haruhi, but I made it clear I had no intention of acting on it. My relationship with Haruhi was basically back to what we had before our argument, I didn't want to ruin it. But the twins thought we could be even closer. They wanted the four of us to hang out at Haruhi's place, but I kept denying the idea. I knew what they were up to, they wanted me to meet Haruhi's family to be closer to her.

"I won't go to her place uninvited, that'd be weird" I kept telling myself. That's why I never expected to unwillingly be in Tamaki's limo to visit Haruhi. Of course, I wasn't the only one there, no. Tamaki dragged the entirety of the club out of our beds on a weekend. It appeared as if no matter what I believed I would always be dragged somewhere against my wishes, almost as if I was in a terrible fanfiction by a lonely 17-year-old who didn't know how to progress the plot. Shaking away those thoughts I spoke up "hey I wanna get something from the corner store here, mind if I get out? I'll catch up later" Tamaki sighed but agreed to let me off early. As I walked away from the flashy car I made my way to a cheap store. I just wanted a snack if I had to be honest. Chips and coke, my personal favorite.

I paid for my food like a normal person and walked out to a strange sight. A crowd had formed and they were taking up at least an entire block. I spotted Haruhi in the crowd "Haru-chan!" I saw her turn around and I waved her over "over here!" I started walking to meet her halfway. Once we were as face to face as we could be I patted her head "fancy meeting you here Haru-chan" I could tell she was confused and slightly angry "yeah, mind explaining why there's a limo outside my apartment building senpai?" I thought about it for a moment "yeah I do mind" I smiled and stuck out my tongue "haha just kidding Haru-chan! Tamaki-kun wanted to see you" Haruhi sighed "of course" We both giggled "come on Haru-chan I'll give you a piggyback ride through the crowd" I patted her head as I squatted down "are you sure senpai?" she asked "absolutely. We haven't done this in a while"

As if she were hesitating Haruhi slowly got on my back "okay" I nodded "grab on tight Haru-chan, up we go" Unlike a normal person I decided I wanted to jump up instead of slowly stand up "Kyyaahh" I felt Haruhi's grip on my shoulders tighten "Don't scare me like that senpai!" I laughed and gave her a small sorry. With Haruhi on my back, we made our way through the crowd until we spotted Tamaki doing a dramatic pose. One of Haruhi's arms left my shoulder so I assumed she waved him over "senpai! Over here!" I heard Haruhi shout.

I walked both of us to where Tamaki and the others were "hey guys! look who I found!" I said excitedly as the twins gave me a smirk, but this was totally platonic touching. I let Haruhi hop off my back and we regrouped with the hosts "so care to explain why and how you're here senpai" I sneaked away towards the twins as Haruhi began to lecture Tamaki. They teased me a bit and we chatted for about ten minutes before the scolding got quiet. We took that as a sign that it was safe to approach Haruhi and Tamaki "well you're already here, it's not like I can stop you" The three of us just assumed Haruhi would let us into her house since that was the whole point of visiting.

Tamaki, the twins, Kyouya, Mori, Honey, and I followed Haruhi up into her apartment. She unlocked the door and we filed in as Haruhi held open the door. Once inside Haruhi offered us food, some of us said yes some said no. I had said no since I had already bought myself some snacks earlier. The club just hung out for a while as Tamaki inspected the small apartment, he looked worried about something but I just brushed it off for now.

I loved Haruhi, and I also loved to hang out with my club mates but I was starting to get bored of just sitting down and talking. I got up to stretch my legs and shake off the boredom when I saw Tamaki trip as the front door swung open. I couldn't see the figure at the door but the twins just walked on over and didn't bother stepping over Tamaki. They basically made him their treadmill. Laughing lightly I walked over to the door and introduced myself to what I picked up to be Haruhi's dad "Hello! nice to meet you. My name is Miguel Angel Garcia Rodriguez but please call me Angel. I'm a friend of Haruhi's" I held my hand out to the red-haired... man? Oh well, it's not like I don't do the same. Haruhi's dad shook my hand and we stepped aside to let him in.

Ranka, Haruhi's dad, had wanted Haruhi to pick up some things for dinner. Of course, being the clingy person I am I offered to go with her. After I offered Ranka seemed to give me a slightly angry look but I just brushed it off "you can come if you want senpai I don't mind much" I smiled down at Haruhi and patted her head "thanks Haru-chan! you're the best" before Ranka and Tamaki could murder me with their glares I took Haruhi's hand in mine and walked out. I could have sworn that the twins were smirking as we left.

Neither Haruhi nor I let go of the other's hand as we made our way to the store. A comfortable silence settled in as we walked, it felt nice just being near her. Haruhi's small blush made me smile "you know Haru-chan. You truly are quite cute," I said, Haruhi turned to face me a bigger blush on her face "s-senpai... thanks I guess" I chuckled at her "I truly love your company Haruhi" my eyes softened as I looked into her eyes "I could go anywhere in the world and I'd be happy as long as you were with me" I reached my hand out to her cheek, brushing a stray hair behind her ear "s-senpai?" I had to take a moment to process what I had just said "you are my most treasured friend Haruhi" I tried to make my words seem platonic but after that small ramble I wasn't sure how Haruhi took it.

For the rest of the trip, I hadn't dared to touch Haruhi much less look at her, I couldn't risk her seeing the blush on my face. Haruhi paid for her groceries and I helped her carry them back, this time the silence was awkward. The rest of my visit to Haruhi's house I tried to avoid her, Ranka seemed to stare me down until I left for the day. I thanked the Fujioka's for their hospitality and for the good time I had before leaving.

I had taken a few steps before the door opened again and I heard two voices call out to me "Senpai-" Kaoru "-Wait up" and Hikaru "what? you wanna hear the juicy details of my grocery trip?" I laughed and soon they did too "walk to my place with me, let's hang out" They agreed and called their driver to pick them up at my place "so how was the walk?" they said in unison, "I think I talked a bit too much and let's leave it at that" I patted their heads "awe senpai you're no fun" Kaoru pouted and Hikaru grumped "you two are like the cute little brothers I never had" we chatted until we got to my house. That was when we parted ways until the next meeting.

I think I left a good impression on the potential future in law.

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