Nekozawa is Barely Related to The Plot

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 By now it seemed like the host club got up to different kinds of shenanigans at least once per week. And since the week had been relatively quiet shenanigans would now have to ensue. This morning I thought I was prepared for something weird like Russia growing bear ears or Haruhi wearing a dress but this was nothing I could have ever prepared for "Just help Haruhi look after Kirimi-chan while we help Nekozawa-senpai"

For some odd reason, Haruhi and I were stuck watching over Nekozawa-senpai's little sister. I'm not weird or anything this is totally platonic, only the homies help each other take care of a kid. I mean it's not like we look like a couple right? RIGHT? "are you Haru-nee's boyfriend" I could spit out a drink if I had one right now "No! no, no, no, it's not like that I swear!" I sounded panicked to hell and back but I could feel my face turn hot "anyways changing topics what do you wanna do while we wait for big brother?" I hope I was as smooth as usual "I want you and Haru-nee to do this!" I smiled thinking it was a cutesy children's book. My face darkened and flushed redder than before, Kirumi was holding up a romance scene in a reverse harem manga. I saw what I assumed was the main love interest perform a kabedon on the female lead.

"H-Haru-chan?" I spoke up, red as could be "y-yes senpai?" I looked into Haruhi's eyes "are... are you sure you're ok with this?" I noticed how red Haruhi's face was "then... Kirimi-chan, this will be the last scene." I brought my hand to Haruhi's cheek, caressing her soft skin. We both looked into each other's eyes, drawing our faces closer by the second "please... don't hate me Haruhi-san" I whispered only wanting Haruhi to hear me "as long as it's you senpai. I don't mind" I tried not to get my hopes up. This was for Kirimi, we were forced into this. Haruhi probably didn't have the same feelings I did, this was totally platonic. Closing my eyes I also closed the distance between our lips.

Haruhi's lips tasted oddly sweet, I felt myself become lost in the feeling and in the moment. I kept one of my hands on Haruhi's face and the other near her hip. The height difference meant Haruhi could only hold onto my upper arm instead of the traditional around the neck. I'm not exactly sure how long the kiss lasted, it could have been seconds or minutes and I would be none the wiser. All that mattered to me at that moment was the feeling of Haruhi's small frame pressed against me, making my heart race and my body heat up. It felt pure, innocent, I was in total bliss.

Hesitating slightly I was the one that pulled away first "now say 'I love you' to Haru-nee!" Yeah, we're only doing this for Kirimi, Haruhi would never do this with me otherwise. I moved my hand to touch the wall behind her, she looked so pure. Haruhi's eyes were still half-closed and dazed, her face as red as could be "Haruhi... I love you" I heard my voice break and my eyes slightly tear up, after all this was all fake. I could never truly tell her those words "I-I love you too... Senpai" Those words pierced my heart, I felt like breaking down right there and then "Yaaay!" Kirimi's clapping and cheering broke me out of my thoughts "Haruhi, do you think you could look over Kirimi-chan alone for a bit? I have to use the restroom" I didn't look at her, I just released her from the weird position we were in.

As I closed the door to the host club I thought I heard a small "wait senpai" but I didn't dare turn back. Hearing the small click of the door I let my tears fall freely. I cried all the way to the bathroom. Could it ever really be? could Haruhi ever fall for someone like me? I pushed away those thoughts and took out my phone. Dialing his number I pressed call and waited for him to answer "Yo! You've reached the HERO" I smiled slightly "second *sniff* floor bathroom... The one near music room 3" I heard America end the call and I was once again left alone with my thoughts.

By now I was in a fetal position crying my eyes out but trying to stay quiet. I had no idea how long I had been sitting there when the door finally burst open "I have ice cream, tissues, and one shot of Ivan's special drink to get you relaxed" I looked up to see America locking the door to the bathroom and a grocery bag on his arm "thanks amigo" I smiled as I wiped my tears "do you want advice or do you want to vent?" I took the shot and downed it "I don't know man, at this point I think I need both" America nodded and handed me a plastic spoon "whenever you're ready dude. The hero is here for you" Ever since the war between us America had become so considerate of me, I knew he was a good person, the things his government did didn't make me hate him, he'd always been so kind.

America and I had stayed in that bathroom talking and eating ice cream for who knows how long, by now I had lost track of time "thank you, amigo. I don't know what I'd do without you" I hugged the blonde and made sure my eyes were dry "we should get going. I left Haruhi alone with a child" I unlocked the door and offered my hand to America "thank you" His eyes softened and so did his smile "anything for you dude, you're like my little bro" We parted ways for the day and I started heading back to the club room.

I had almost no time to react as I saw almost all the club members dashing outside, I grabbed the twins as they weren't as serious as the others "you two. Explain" I said "Nekozawa-senpai jumped out the window" As soon as those words left their mouths I rushed alongside the others. We had made it to the courtyard when Tamaki stopped us. Looking ahead I saw why he did that. Nekozawa was laying on the ground shooing a cat away from Kirimi, in a way they were making a brother-sister bond. Only when Nekozawa fainted from overexposure to the sun did Tamaki let us go. We helped the servants cover him up and take him back inside.

I excused myself once we made sure Nekozawa was okay "I think I'll start heading home. See you guys tomorrow!" I smiled and waved "senpai wait can I walk with you!" I gasped at Haruhi's near shout "O-oh um sure" I blushed remembering the events from earlier as I waited for Haruhi to catch up to me. As we started walking the awkwardness seemed to thicken "soo umm... Thanks for helping me with Kirimi-chan today senpai" I looked down at Haruhi with a small blush "yeah, no problem. Anything for you Haruhi" I looked away quickly as my blush grew "I... I'm sorry you were in an awkward situation" I said. From the corner of my eye I saw Haruhi look down, her ears slightly red "oh uh's fine senpai. I told you I don't mind as long as it's you" I blushed at the last part, even if she had whispered it I still managed to hear her say it.

I stopped walking, Haruhi stopping almost as soon as I did "I really do treasure you Haruhi" We were now facing each other, my hand back on her cheek, caressing her cute face. Feeling bold I moved my head next to hers "I don't mind as long as it's you too Haruhi" Moving away from her I kissed her forehead, remembering the pain I went through just hours before "you're my greatest most treasured friend Haruhi... I'll pay for the ride back to your place, it's getting late" I gave Haruhi a close eyed smile feeling the tears threatening to fall "s-senpai"

Neither one of us spoke after that. I managed to flag down a taxi and give Haruhi the money for it, I only managed to send her off with a wave and a smile. Watching the car disappear in the distance I started thinking to myself again

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