Off the Grid (PART 1)

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My body felt hot as I tried to sleep. Every time I was about to doze off the events from earlier today replayed in my mind. It was a thursday night and I wasn't planning on going to school tomorrow so I could afford to sleep in. I sighed as I got out of bed, I was not gonna sleep tonight, not as long as Haruhi was on my mind. 'Maybe baking could help ease my mind' I thought 'I can always give Honey what I won't eat' With a newfound plan I set off to work, baking the night away.

As the first morning lights hit my widow I stopped to admire my work. I had burnt milk candies lined up(lollipops and bars), peanut caramel candy(masapan), coconut candy(banderas), some chocolate chip cookies, two pecan pies, two cheesecakes, and two dozen (fav/flavor) cupcakes. I split my bounty in half and either put it in the pantry or in a bag I would take with me to Honey's house. I waited on my couch until a more reasonable hour when Honey would hopefully be home.

At around 5pm I set out on a walk to Honey's house. When I got there I admired the scenery, it looked so pretty and traditional yet still modern. I knocked on the door and a maid opened it a minute later "yes, how may I help you?" she asked "is Mitsukuni Haninozuka home by any chance? I'm a friend of his and I brought a gift" I held up the bag containing the sweets "wait just a moment as I get the young master, does the master's friend have a name?" I nodded a bit awkwardly "yeah, tell Mitsukuni that Angel is here" The maid nodded and disappeared into the house to get Honey.

I was standing for around five minutes until the door opened once more. I opened my mouth to greet Honey but i only managed to gasp as Honey threw himself at me effectively spinning us around "ah Honey be careful" I heard the small blonde giggle "sorry Angel-chan but I was so excited to see you! Oh! good day by the way hehe" I giggled and pet his head "good day to you too Honeypie, I brought gifts" Honey's eyes lit up as I put him back on the ground "I made them myself, so I hope you like 'em" I handed Honey the bag and he loudly thanked me, hugging my waist "Thank you Angel-chan you're the best!!" I smiled softly at Honey, he was so cute "I didn't sleep well last night so I'm gonna go back to my house, see you Monday Honeypie!" Honey made a sad expression as I turned around to leave "See you Monday Angel-chan! sweet dreams!" Gosh, he was too adorable.

Saying my last goodbye I made my way back to my own house. I should call up the other countries and tell them I'm fine, maybe have a small get-together. I knew that America was still worried about me. Maybe a one-on-one meetup would be better. I still had around 2 days to decide how to kill time, but first I should really sleep. I opened my house and locked it behind me, I didn't bother with my shoes and just threw myself on my bed. After that, I blacked out.

I felt my body shaking and woke up to see America's face in front of mine "hey Mexico wake up!" I groaned at the loud American "what time is it? and why are you here?" America finally stopped shaking me and just sat down next to me "no one has been able to contact you since Thursday, you just went off the grid! of course as the hero and your close friend I volunteered to find you" I gave America a confused look "off the grid? Al you're acting as if I was gone for days" I readjust myself better on my bed "Mexico, It's 9pm. Today is Sunday. you went no contact with the others we were all worried about you" I took a second to absorb the new information. If I went M.I.A on Thursday and today was Sunday then that meant that no one could reach me for an entire 3 days. It wasn't that long but in my line of work I had to be available 24/7, no wonder everyone was worried.

Maybe my head was smoking or overheating but America was quick to notice my current state "sigh get dressed we're going drinking with the others, we were all really worried" I nodded my head and motioned for him to get out. Once my door closed I got up to look for an outfit. I decided on some ripped jeans with a chain and a black band t-shirt. I had a long night ahead of me.

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