Meeting the host club! :) + club activities

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Haruhi and I made our way to the music room talking along the way. I asked her about her clothes and she confirmed that she was a girl. I opened the door for Haruhi like the gentleman woman I was. What I hadn't expected was for rose petals to be thrown right into my face.

Being the weird anime protagonist I was I managed to start choking on some of the petals. As I cursed my cares away I heard Haruhi panicking about what to do. Apart from her confusion the room seemed silent, whoever threw those petals must be just as confused as I was. When I managed to save myself from death by petals I glared daggers at the people in front of me "*cough* couldn't you *cough* fucknuggets see I was dying *cough* Who threw those damned petals?!" if it weren't for my sore throat I would have screamed. I felt my face hot from anger and the sudden lack of oxygen, but it seemed I was not the protagonist but a side character.

"oh it's just a pair of boys" I heard some.... ginger twins say

"Hikaru, Kouro. This young man is in your class is he not?" spoke the glasses-wearing voice of reason. I questioned his choice of words forgetting Haruhi's clothes came off as more masculine. While I was busy in my thoughts of Haruhi a loud crash startled me back into reality. My first instinct was to make sure my newfound friend was ok "Haruhi! are you ok? what happened?" Haruhi didn't answer me, it was as if her soul was leaving her body.

By the broken vase pieces, I realized.... That's expensive. As much as I would have loved to help her, my country couldn't spare any money and as their country, I couldn't spend money needlessly. "yo, the hero's here!" I heard Alfred say "hola, que paso (hello, what's up?)" America dragged me outside the room leaving Haruhi and those other guys to sort out whatever problem they were having. "well nothing too important dude, but I didn't want to wait haha" he laughed "just came here to drop off your new phone. Kiku and I already put our numbers there and our addresses if you ever wanna party with the hero"

I couldn't help but smile at the blonde idiot "thanks Al, you're a pal" he pouted "you're the hero" I sighed a bit smiling as he screamed a "yay". Alfred went on his merry way and I decided to stay and keep my Haruhi some company. As I walked back in I heard them talk about... a dog? Confused I walked to Haruhi's side giving her a questioning look "I have to be their errand boy to pay back the broken base" she said defeated "don't worry Haruhi, I'll stay right by ya, we are friends after all" she gave me a small smile and a quiet "thanks senpai"

        Helping Haruhi was not as fun as I thought it would be. The Host club, as they had introduced themselves, wouldn't let me help out because I had almost nothing to do with the vase. All I could do was either sit in a corner and wait for my Haruhi to come back or join the stripper club. Still having some dignity left in me I opted for the corner.

Remembering about my new phone I texted "THE HEROOOOO flag emoji flag emoji flag emoji" typical America.

Me: yo jones

HERO: HEYYY what can the HERO do for you :)

Me: lol im just bored

Me: my friend left cuz she was busy lol

HERO: you have FRIENDS??!! *shocked emoji*

Me: Alfred F Jones I will become a Mexican Mom(TM)*knife emoji*

HERO: NOOOO mom im sorryyyyyy *crying emoji*

Me: thats daddy to you *smirky emoji*

HERO: dude lmao wth

I really couldn't stay mad at the dumb American. I thought about it for a second, knowing my actions would have consequences. But ultimately I gave in to my mischievious side

Me: Jones. Where's Ivan?

HERO: I know where this is going

Me: I know you know

HERO: I know you know I know

Me: music room 3. Look for the emo in the corner (wink emoji)

  Day drinking. Not my proudest hobby but things did get interesting whenever a shot or two were involved. Plus it's not like we were gonna serve it to minors. It would stay between us countries. After all, it's only illegal if you get caught. Not long after, I heard the door opening, and the men of the hour sneakily came to my rescue. "water" bottle in hand the two countries made their way to me and my emo corner. They sat down and we started drinking. A light blush spread accross my face indicating I managed to get tipsy.

        The wait for Haruhi became less lonely and long as my friends and trade partners drank with me. The drinking did not last long as Haruhi came back with a brown grocery bag in hand. Ivan passed the bottle back to me "that my sunflower's friend, da?" I nodded "sure is" I felt calm and at peace. Each sip making me feel warm as it burned down my throat. "I... WILL DRINK THIS COFFEE!" that might be just what I needed to have a bit more fun.

With slightly shaky legs I made my way over to my Haruhi "nee Haru-chan, what's going on?" I asked. Haruhi looked at me questionably "Angel-senpai. I'm making instant coffee. Do you want some?" How sweet, it's as if she read my mind to progress the plot "I'd love that Haru-chan let me help ya make it" Forgetting how I acted when fully sober I went over to a stove and heated up some water in a kettle. I hugged Haruhi from behind as we waited for it to heat "A-Anglel-senpai?" she sounded embarrassed "hmmm what's up Haru-chan?" I hummed.

Haruhi turned around, now we were facing each other. My chin rested on her head "Angel-senpai" She started. But as I was about to respond I heard the kettle. Laughing a bit at the timing of it I let go of Haruhi "let's get those rich boys some coffee Haruhi" As she served the coffee I made myself a cup big enough to share. I grabbed the "water" bottle and poured a bit, the bitter burning giving me a sense of calm and comfort. I offered a bit to the two countries who I had accidentally temporarily abandoned.

      Feeling in the mood to let loose I convinced the others to have a party at my place on Friday night. Ivan and I exchanged numbers and addresses naming his contact "sunflower boi". Not wanting to seem rude I walked over to Haruhi again. I saw her sitting down so I picked her up and sat her back on my lap "A-a-angle-senpai what are you doing?!" I hugged her still not fully sober "getting comfy, are you ok with this?" she seemed a little red in the face but I didn't question it "nee Haru-chan~" I moved her from my lap back into the couch "come with meee~" I sat up and extended my hand. She took it and I lead us to where the hosts were "I'm throwing a party on Friday, you guys can come over if you want" I didn't know how to feel about them. They seemed lively but I wanted to know them more. Inviting them over just seemed like a logical thing to do.

A/N: the chapters "Meeting the host club! :)" and "club activities" were merged into one longer chapter. some small dialogue was added to this version.

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