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IT WAS NEARING morning when Adeline woke. At first, she had no recognition of what happened hours earlier. That was, until it all came down, like a pile of bricks toppling on top of her; we escaped the Maze. Gally killed Chuck. Newt and the others were rescued ... They were the first three events she remembered as it all came back to her. Of course, then the rest of the events started to play in her mind. As the events flashed through her mind, she suddenly realised that she didn't know where she was — the walls of the room were surprisingly bright.

Am I in ... a hospital? She pondered, peering down at her body to find that she was in fact dressed in a hospital gown. Taking in her surroundings a little more, she was interrupted by the squeak of a door. Completely forgetting about being stung, Adeline propped herself up into a sitting position. A woman with light brown hair entered the room, giving her a warm smile. The woman wore the same black lab coat with the word WICKED stitched into the fabric. Adeline glanced back at the woman, unsure of on what to think about her intentions; considering she worked with the people who put her inside the Maze, Adeline felt that her hesitance was appropriate.

"Oh good, you're awake." The women said, handing her a glass of water. Adeline denied the kind gesture, watching the women carefully.

"Where am I?" Adeline quizzed the older women. "Where are my friends? And who are you?"

"I'm Nurse Jackson." The woman introduced. "I was assigned to your care as you recovered. But, I'm afraid I cannot answer your questions. I advise that you wait for the Chancellor before you ask any questions, dear. She's the one who knows more about everything than I do. Now, why don't you take a sip of water —"

Adeline instantly pushed the blankets away from her body and clambered to her feet as the woman approached her with the glass of water. Sure, Adeline was sure she really had no intentions on hurting her, but her trust was at a very slim point right now and Adeline was reluctant to trust anyone new — especially this nurse assigned to her care. Adeline had backed herself against the wall.

"I'm sorry, but I've just awoken in a strange room upon escaping the place I'd been stuck in for a year. So, if you don't mind, please do not go near me." Adeline rushed out. The woman looked taken back. For a moment, the woman just stared at her, before she gave a nod. "Thank-you. Now, I would be very appreciative if you escorted me to speak with the Chancellor."

"That's not my duty, Miss Adeline." She responded, moving away to shuffle papers at a nearby trolley. Adeline watched as she stuffed them inside a folder. Adeline scowled at the woman, her temper wearing thin.

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