15 → "FLEE"

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15 → "FLEE"

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15 "FLEE"

THOMAS HAD STOOD up as soon as Jorge had announced Minho's punishment, and would've charged if a girl hadn't stepped right up to him and placed her blade under his chin. The Gladers stared back, dumbfounded. Adeline bit her tongue, wishing to object to the Cranks decision.

"Here's the plan." Jorge said calmly. "Brenda and I will escort these moochers to the stash, let 'em eat up. Then we'll all meet on the Tower, let's say one hour from now. Make that noon on the dot. We'll bring up lunch for the rest of you."

"Why just you and Brenda?" someone asked. "What if they jump you? There's twelve of them to two of you."

"Thanks for the math lesson, Barkley. Next time I forget how many toes I have, I'll be sure and spend some counting time with you. For now, shut your flappin' lips and lead everybody to the Tower." Jorge retorted. "If these punks try anything, Brenda will slash Mr. Minho to tiny bits while I beat the living hell out of the rest of 'em. They can barely stand they're so weak. Now get!"

"Fine." Barkley said after a moment. "But if they do jump you and slit your throat, we'll get along just fine without ya."

"Thanks for the kind words, hermano." Jorge said. "Now get, or we'll have double the fun on the Tower."

Barkley waved his arm, motioning for the others to follow. The girl dropped the knife away from Minho and stepped back. The Gladers got to their feet. The girl, Brenda, gave a sharp look at the Asian boy before her. "I really would've killed you, ya know."

"That's one sharp knife." Minho sassed. "Makes me like you more."

Minho's comment caused both Frypan and Newt to groan. Adeline hit Minho in the back of the head, muttering;  "Do you ever shut-up?"

"Looks like I'm not the only Crank standing here. You're even more gone than me." Brenda responded, then nodded directly at Adeline. "And I'd listen to the girl. Seems like she's the smart one of the group. Didn't hear a smart - ass comment from her mouth."

"Thankyou ...?" Adeline stammered. The girl didn't even look back at her.

"None of us are crazy yet." Jorge added, walking over to stand next to Brenda. "But it won't be long. Come on. We need to get over to the stash and put some food in you people. You all look like a bunch of starved zombies."

"You think I'm just gonna waltz over to have a sit — down with you psychos, then let you cut my freaking fingers off?" Minho said. Thomas gave a huff.

"Just shut up for once." Thomas snapped. "Let's go eat. I don't care what happens to your beautiful hands after that."

"Whatever. Let's go." Minho grumbled. The group exited the building and stepped out into the sun beating down on the land. Brenda led, Jorge behind. Brenda moved along the walls of the structure they'd just exited. There was a set of steps that disappeared into the pavement. Brenda didn't hesitate, and without waiting to make sure the others were behind her, she descended down the stairs. As they descended down the stairs, darkness came. Now underground, it was cooler than above. They reached a small doorway, and Brenda went inside. It was a small room full of boxes and cans, with a single light bulb hanging from the center of the ceiling.

"You and the others can stay out there in the hallway, find a wall and sit." Brenda called back to them. "I'll start bringing out some tasty delights for you in a sec."

The "tasty delights" Brenda mentioned were just canned beans and some type of sausage. Everyone ate it cold. Brenda passed out the food to the Gladers. Adeline forced the stuff down her throat, not interested in the canned food that Jorge had so graciously given up for them. After getting at least halfway through her can, Adeline felt the heaviness in her stomach telling her she was full. If she tried to eat one more bite she'd throw it back up. Adeline threw the spoon back into the can, placing it beside her. Newt threw her a glance, his eyes roaming from her to the can beside her.

"Full?" Newt questioned, giving her a small smile.

"Yeah, I guess." she replied, pulling her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs. She felt uncomfortable around their new friends of Cranks. She had a creeping suspicion that something was going to happen, like they were leading them to a death trap and that they would unexpectedly turn on the Gladers, although Minho was soon to lose his fingers. Adeline could see that Jorge wasn't kidding about that. Adeline kept eyeing the group of Cranks, most too absorbed in their food to notice her.

How can we trust them? They are Cranks, after all, infected by that damn virus. But then again, apparently so are we. Although, I, for some reason, mostly believe the Chancellor. It felt so long since the talk; finding out her role in the trials, finding out Aris was her brother. Then, Rat Man appearing out of nowhere and telling them they were infected despite the fact that Adeline had been told she was immune. Maybe that talk with the Chancellor was all a trick. Maybe we're all just infected by the Flare and they're gonna send us to some place where we can all rot.

"I don't feel safe around these people." Adeline leant into Newt and lowered her voice. "I have a bad feeling that something is going to happen."

Newt stared ahead just like Adeline was, making it look as if they were just talking casually. "You think they're up to something?"

"Maybe." she said, before glancing down the hallway to find Thomas in mid conversation. "Maybe she's just chatting him up. Getting Thomas to think she's friendly then —"

Adeline was cut off, when a crash echoed down the hall, which sounded like it came from the stairs they'd used to get down here. It sounded like something falling apart — cement breaking, metal ripping. A cloud of dust fogged its way toward them. Newt got to his feet as if it was instinct, helping Adeline up. The Gladers ran back toward the destroyed stairs, then turned down a hallway Adeline hadn't noticed before. The Gladers' ran, just as the roof started to crumble. Around her the hallway shook, Newt holding onto her hand for dear life, like he'd lose her. They continued to run, dodging pieces from the roof, trying not to get separated from the group.

A few crumbling pieces of the roof hit her on top of the head, slowing her down and her grip from Newt's hand slipped. Adeline swerved, dodging pieces of roof as she shielded her face from dust clouds fogging up her vision. Another crash boomed throughout the hallway, then the sound of metal ripping once more sounded. Newt appeared just before her right as more metal ripping echoed around them. Newt peered up, Adeline copying. Above, the ceiling was falling apart like bread crumbs. Dust clouded around them, then suddenly Adeline saw a sheet of metal hurtling down towards her. Newt cried out her name, and Adeline went to move, but her body was frozen in sheer terror. At the last minute, Newt stepped forward and grabbed her bad arm, pulling her in his direction as the sheet of metal banged on the floor, right as Adeline crashed into Newt with such a force that both fell over.

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