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ADELINE FELT HERSELF TOPPLE onto Newt, a tangle of legs and arms, until Adeline rolled off of Newt and got herself up. She leant down to help Newt. Minho appeared, ushering them along. The side of her head started to throb, and something warm trickled down the side of her face. Instinctively, she reached up and touched the substance, realizing it was blood. She didn't realize that she'd been cut. The Gladers raced up a staircase until they were at the top, Jorge leading them both out of a door and out into the blinding rays of the outside world. Because they'd been underground for so long, Adeline's eyes had to adjust to the sun again.

"Everyone alright?" Jorge asked, mostly referring to his Crank buddies. A few "yesses" were muttered from both groups. Jorge scanned his group for any missing Cranks and Minho started counting off the Gladers.

"There's ten of us." Minho confirmed. "Thomas is missing. And because I don't see that Brenda girl, I'm guessin' both got split up together."

"There's less of us. Guessin' most went another way." Jorge had just finished counting his own Crank buddies. "Brenda will be fine. She's one tough chick."

"So, what do we do now?" Aris called out. Adeline felt two eyes trained on her and craned her neck to find Jorge watching her with careful eyes.

"Well, first I'd treat your friends head wound." Jorge said, pointing at Adeline before tapping the side of his head, just inches from his own temple. Newt reached out, slightly turning her head to the side, moving away the sweat and blood stained hair from the side of her head. His fingers skimmed the gash, causing Adeline to flinch and slightly cry out in pain. She slapped his hand away.

"How do we treat it?" Newt snapped. "We have nothing to treat it with."

"Don't look at me." Jorge shrugged. "Thought you lot would at least have medical supplies with ya." 

"This is where learning to make — do with what you have comes in handy." She said, rolling her eyes. Adeline began to rip a long strip of the bottom of her long shirt before proceeding to tie it around her head tightly. Newt stood there gobsmacked, while Jorge gave a smirk.

"Gotcha self a smart chick there, hermano." Jorge said, slapping Newt on the back. Adeline smirked, before reaching to grab hold of Newt's hand. "Alright, listen up! I say we start searching the city and look for food. Look for our friends. Avoid Cranks way past the Gone and —"

"Hey!" Minho shrilled. "Who said you're the leader?"

Jorge stopped, stepped forward and gave a sly smile. Minho glared at the Crank before him, and Adeline hoped that Minho wouldn't do anything stupid. But knowing Minho, she knew he would.

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