07 → "RAT MAN"

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07 → "RAT MAN"

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07 "RAT MAN"

ADELINE RAISED HER eyebrow, confused as to how she didn't notice him before. She tapped Newt on the shoulder, pointing at the mysterious man. The man continued to read the book in front him, taking no notice of the Gladers milling around the area.

"Who is that guy?" She questioned. Newt just shrugged.

"He won't tell us anything. Told us we had to wait till he's ready." Newt answered. Adeline made a face, crossing her arms over her chest, watching the guy read his book so casually. Adeline then noticed Thomas, watching just like she was. Thomas walked toward the man.

"Careful." one of the Gladers warned. Thomas ignored him, and within seconds, Thomas had slammed into something invisible, making him stumble backward. He reached up to rub his nose. Adeline continued to watch in awe. What the hell just happened? The man at the desk let out a sigh as he pulled his feet from the desk and let them drop to the floor. He placed a finger in his book to mark his place and looked up at Thomas, making no effort to hide his annoyance.

"How many times do I have to repeat this?" The man said. We still have forty — seven minutes before I've been authorized to implement Phase Two of the Trials. Please show your patience and leave me alone. You've been given this time to eat and replenish yourselves, and I strongly suggest you take advantage of it, young man. Now, if you don't mind ..."

The man leaned back in his chair and placed his feet back on the desk. Then, he continued with his reading. Thomas trudged over toward where Minho, Newt and Adeline stood, confusion etched onto his face as he approached them. Adeline attempted to hide the slight amusement after Thomas rammed into that invisible barrier.

"You met our new friend?" Minho responded. "Real piece of work, this guy. I gotta get me one of those shuck suits. Fancy stuff."

"Am I awake?" Thomas asked.

"You're awake." Minho said. "Now eat — you look horrible. Almost as bad as Rat Man over there, reading his book."

Half an hour later, the Gladers sat on the ground, all of them facing the invisible wall while the man sat at the desk behind it, as if they were small children awaiting a teacher to start a lesson. The man's feet were still propped up, still reading his book. Adeline bit at the cuticles around her fingers as they were forced to wait for the man to begin what he dubbed  "Phase Two". After a few moments, Minho was the first to break the silence. Minho was the first to break the silence;

"I think we've all gone psycho like those ... what'd they call themselves again? Cranks." Minho said. "The Cranks at the windows. We're all sitting here waiting for a lecture from Rat Man like this is totally normal. Like we're at some kind of school. I can tell you this much — if he had anything good to say, he wouldn't need a freaking magic wall to protect him from us, now, would he?"

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