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ADELINE JERKED FORWARD, unaware of the fact she was sleeping in a bunk bed. As she jerked forward, she hit her forehead on the top bunk bed, letting out an "ow" as she did so, her hand pressing against her forehead in pain. Ducking her head slightly, she slid out from under the blanket, her feet meeting the floor. As soon as she had gotten to her feet, she heard the noise of running water and snapped her neck towards a door in which she had immediately guessed to be the bathroom. Adeline scanned the room she woke up in. The room was small, had four bunk beds and two dressers. The bed she woke up in and the bunk bed above was the only beds not neatly made. This confirmed she wasn't alone, and whoever she shared the room with was in the bathroom. Adeline slowly made her way over to the bathroom door, reaching for the door handle, when there were a few clicks and the door swung open, making Adeline step back in surprise. Adeline met a pair of blue eyes, and for a moment they both stood in shock, staring at each other.

"Teresa?" Adeline gasped, her mouth hanging agape.

"Adeline, what're you —"

"I don't know, I woke up and here I was." Adeline replied, still in shock. Teresa, who looked like she had just stepped out from the shower, as told by her wet hair, moved back into the room. Teresa plopped down on Adeline's unmade bed, watching her carefully. The two girls had barely spoken to one another, and for a year, Adeline had only communicated with the boys in the Glade.

"We're safe now." Teresa said after two minutes of pure silence. "The others are in another room. I was put into a separate room as I'm a girl. Newt's alright, ya know."

Adeline's heart fluttered at the mention of Newt. "Really?"

"Yeah." Teresa grinned. "He was quiet at dinner, wouldn't say much. We guessed it was because of you."

Adeline's face fell. She didn't mean to drag him back under in sadness and grief, she just wanted him to escape to safety. She didn't know what would happen — whether or not she'd die.

"You really care about him." Teresa stated. "Don't you?"

"Yeah." Adeline nodded, blushing. "Yeah, I do. We've been there for one another through some tough times."

"I couldn't imagine." Teresa gave her a warm smile. Teresa trailed off. After a couple of moments, Teresa changed the subject. "Do you think we'll go back to our normal lives?"

"Maybe." Adeline replied with a shrug. Teresa went quiet, leaving the both of them in an uncomfortable silence. For a moment, everything was fine. Adeline and Teresa sat beside each other, the silence dragging on. Slight conversation was made here and there, but after that there was nothing left to say. Even after all they've been through — escaping the Maze, Chuck's death. Adeline guessed speaking about it just seemed impossible. Adeline went to say something — to ask how Thomas was after Chuck's horrible death, but before she could, there were a few clicks from the bedroom door. For a moment, Adeline believed it might've been the other Gladers. That thought made Adeline feel giddy, the thought that maybe Newt was behind that Door. But, that feeling wore off after a split moment. The door swung open, and both Adeline and Teresa got to their feet. Adeline's hope that her friends were behind that door was soon diminished as two people dressed in guard uniforms stepped into the room, small guns aimed at the both of them. Adeline's heart racing in her chest.

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