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ADELINE BEGAN TO sway side to side, before she reached out and grabbed hold of Newt's arm. Newt snaked his arm around her waist, afraid she'd topple to the ground. Her grip on his arm loosened, and she regained her composure as if the fainting spell didn't occur. Adeline took a step back before she steadied herself. For a moment, nobody knew what had happened to both Adeline and Matt; why they'd both reacted the way they just did.

"What's going on?" Newt quizzed them. Matt just shrugged his shoulders, while Adeline looked like she might just throw up.

"Whatever happened, it happened to the both of them at the same time." Aris said. Newt looked back at Adeline, who had gone pale. When he glanced up at Matt, he didn't look the way she did. He looked perfectly fine, but Adeline looked like she just might faint for real this time. She looked up at the wall before her, her eyes distant, as if she zoned out. Then, Adeline started trembling.

"Adeline?" Newt called out her name to catch her attention. "Are you —"

Adeline craned her neck up to stare at him, her eyes still distant. Her eyes looked different somehow. Adeline started to mutter something under her breath. She didn't feel right. Like someone had tied her wrists to string and was controlling her movements; as if she was no longer in command of her limbs. She began to realise rather quickly that someone was controlling her. Someone had taken command of her limbs.

"T ... they ... can ..." Adeline started spluttering out words. "T ... they can .... control ... me ... I can't —"

Before anyone could stop her, Adeline turned around on her heels, facing Matt. She attempted to fight it, but couldn't stop herself from what she did next. Adeline lunged forward, her hands locking around Matt's throat like he'd done to her so long ago; the time she almost died. Gladers sprung into action, Minho and Newt wrestling Adeline away from Matt, other Gladers prying her fingers away.

"Woah! Adeline, what the hell?" Minho gasped, prying her away from Matt.

Stop ... stop, please. I don't want to hurt him. Why're you doing this? Why —

After a minute of prying her fingers away, she released. Newt — who was unaware she'd stopped — pulled her back, both toppling over. Newt landed on top of her, and for a split moment they stayed like that, until Newt got back to his feet. Adeline got to her knees, before she burst into tears. Whoever had controlled her, had since stopped. She was in command of her limbs again. Of her actions. Her body trembles.

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