05 → "SUBJECT A - 24"

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05 → "SUBJECT A - 24"

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05 "SUBJECT A - 24"

"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED to mean?" Minho shrilled as he got a good look at Aris' tattoo. The rest of the Gladers had crowded around, itching to get a glimpse of the blotchy words on the back of Aris' neck.

"What does it say?" Aris asked, reaching around to feel the skin of his neck. "I swear it wasn't there last night!"

"It says Property of WICKED. Group B, Subject B1. The Partner." Newt read the words of Aris' tattoo back to him. As he did so, Adeline could tell that Newt was visibly frustrated about something. Newt continued; "Property of WICKED? I thought we'd escaped them. Or you'd escaped them, too. Whatever."

"And why would it call you the Partner?" Minho said, still staring at the tattoo. Aris shook his head.

"I don't have a clue. I swear." Aris promised. "And there's no way that was there before last night. I showered, looked in the mirror. I would've seen it. And someone would've noticed it back in the Maze for sure."

"You're telling me they tattooed you in the middle of the night?" Minho quizzed the boy challengingly. "Without you noticing? Come on, dude."

"I swear!" Aris insisted. Aris got to his feet, then raced toward the bathroom, probably to try to see the words for himself. Minho settled back down in his spot, beside Thomas. Adeline watched as Minho leant in to him and whispered something that Adeline couldn't catch, leaving her to look away. But, when Thomas randomly shrilled out "woah!" out of complete nowhere, she instantly craned her neck back towards their general direction. Minho looked more than confused by the boy's outburst.

"What?" Minho raised his eyebrow at Thomas, who began to point at him.

"Your — your neck." Thomas finally got out. "You have it on your neck, too!"

"What the shuck you talkin' about?" Minho said, pulling at his shirt.

"Holy ... it's right there!" Thomas exclaimed. "Same thing, except ..."

"What, dude!" Minho yelled at him, attempting to pull the neckline of Minho's shirt to show him, but Minho slapped his hand away. Most of the other Gladers had gathered in a group behind Thomas, squeezing in to get a look. Adeline finally got a look at it.

Property of WICKED. Group A, Subject A7. The Leader.

"You're kiddin' me, man." Minho said, standing up. He pushed his way through the crowd to follow Aris to the bathroom. Everyone began pulling at their shirts, getting a look at each others tattoos. Through the chaos, Adeline and Newt were able to reach for one another.

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