04 → "ARIS"

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04 → "ARIS"

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04 "ARIS"

EVERYONE IN THE room turned to look at her. Adeline stared at the boy, a name on the tip of her tongue. The name of someone she knew so well, the name that was still coming back due to her recovered memories. But, before Adeline could speak, Thomas spoke.

"Who are you?" Thomas asked. His words sounded harsh.

"Who am I?" the boy responded. "Who are you?"

"Don't bloody mess around. There are a lot more of us than there are of you." Newt had gotten back to his feet, standing even closer to the new guy than Thomas was. There was a certain look in Newt's eye as he said that. The boy folded his arms. "Tell us who you are."

"Fine." The boy snapped. The name had finally come back to her. "My name's Aris. What else you wanna know?"

"Aris ..." Adeline trailed. Bits and pieces of her past were still coming back, but she knew exactly who this boy was. But, the boys didn't know that she could remember mainly everything now. I'll just have to pretend that I don't remember him. At least, for now, anyway.

"Woah ... how do you know her?" Newt quizzed, before Adeline could even get another word out. Aris raised his eyebrow at him. Newt turned to her. "And how do you know him?"

"I don't know ..." she lied. "The name just ... came back to me."

"Well, who is this shank then?" Newt questioned, looking back at both Adeline and Aris.

"Calm down." he snapped. "Why're you looking at me like you have a creepin' suspicion we were lovers? Good news for you, she's my younger sister."

Newt's eyes widened. "Sister?"

"Yeah, sister." Aris confirmed. "She was the only memory from my past I was allowed to remember. I had very short, choppy, memories of her."

Thomas looked like he was going to shove Aris against the wall; that he wished to ask this boy a bunch of questions. The topic of their familial resemblance was ignored by Thomas. "How'd you get here? Where's the girl who slept here last night?"

"Girl? What girl?" Aris shot back. "I'm the only one here, and it's been that way since they put me here last night."

"What?" Adeline questioned as Thomas turned to point back in the direction of the door to the common area. "I've been here since early morning."

"So have I." Matt added in. For the first time, the Gladers' seemed to realise he was standing in the room with them.

"There's a sign right out there that says this is her room. Teresa ... Agnes." Thomas snapped. "No mention of a shank named Aris."

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