35 → "ALONE"

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35 → "ALONE"

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35 "ALONE"


THE NEXT TIME Adeline awoke, she couldn't open her eyes and there was the faint sound of voices. The voices came into focus, and she realized two people were conversing. A male and a female.

"Ah, Chancellor Paige." the male voice said. Janson.

"Janson." the female replied. Ava Paige. "Just came from visiting my son before he starts his final trial."

"Well, I think you'll be pleased to know that every subject are in their assigned rooms for their trials. All we have to do now is get Subject A24 and Subject A26 into their room's and we can start Phase 3. Each subject has separate trials." Janson said. "Each designed for them."

"And what's hers?" Ava Paige questioned.

"You'll see." Janson said.

"Alright." Ava said. "Let's begin Phase 3."

There was the sound of footsteps and the sound of the door squeaking open. Adeline felt her eyelids droop, and she couldn't fight it. In the last final moment before she was pulled back under, she heard the last of the conversation.

"Janson." Ava said. "I don't want any of them to feel any pain."

"Of course." Janson replied. "No pain."

Adeline could hear the smirk in voice; the promise for no pain didn't sound genuine. Adeline tried to move; tried anything to signal she was awake. That she could hear them. That's when Adeline was pulled back under into darkness.

Everything was dark when Adeline woke up. The darkness was pitch - black, and colours swirled in her vision. She could hear the sound of breathing; her breathing. It was ragged and faltered, and panic washed over her. Adeline almost started to hyperventilate. Slowly and carefully, Adeline rose to her feet, stretching her arms and fingers to feel for the wall. Her fingers came in contact with a soft surface. It felt padded, like she was in a room ... for people who wanted to hurt themselves. Like ones you'd find in an asylum. She remembered asylums, thanks to getting her memories back. The thought of being inside one of these rooms terrified her.

Why am in here?

Adeline slowly made her way along the wall, her fingers gliding across the padding across the wall. And then all of a sudden she was pulled back, tumbling to the floor. Something dug into her skin of her wrists; something metal. Then she heard the sound of ... chains. Chains clanging together.

Someone threw me into a room and chained me to the wall while I was asleep.

Adeline slowly and carefully made her way back to her feet, not daring to go any further. A sickening sound of static noise echoed around the padded room, and then multiple monitors appeared on each wall of the room. She hadn't noticed them before. A distorted voice came over the monitors, before it came clearer. At the same time the voice became clearer, a face appeared on the screen. Janson.

"Time to begin Phase 3." was all Janson said before the video of Janson changed to something else. A video appeared. It was from the Maze. It started from early in the morning, and then there was screaming. My screams. The footage panned to her sprinting across the Glade, screaming at the top of her lungs. Behind her was Matt. It was the day Matt attacked her. Adeline felt sick to her stomach, wanting to look away. The footage continued to zoom in; Glader's coming to her aid, prying Matt off of her. Adeline tried to look away, but her eyes were glued to one of the monitors. Just when Matt had been dragged away by Minho and Alby, the footage cut off. Then it started all over again. It continued over and over in a cycle, and Adeline lost count on how many times it looped. And then it shut off out of nowhere.

Adeline was left in the dark, alone.

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