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AS THEY APPROACHED the city, it became harder to actually see it. The dust in the air had thickened into a brown fog, making her eyes water. The large building they were heading for had become a looming shadow behind the cloud of dust. The wind had become rough, pelting Adeline with grit. Objects flew by; roof tiles, branches. The wind made it hard for Adeline to run, like it was pulling her backwards. Her legs started to ache as she half ran, half pushed herself through the strong gales, her hair getting in her eyes. At one point, dust got in her eye, causing instant irritation. She had to blink a number of times to stop it, shielding her face with her arm, squinting through the wind that slapped at her skin. Goosebumps formed on her bare arms. Through the wind and pelting grit, she found Newt struggling, his limp and the wind slowing him down. Then there was the lightning.

They were about halfway to the building when the bolts struck down. Then came the thunder, booming in the distance. Between the wind, lightning and thunder, it felt like the ground was rumbling under their feet. Lightning fell from the sky in jagged streaks, slamming into the ground and throwing up massive amounts of scorched earth. Adeline saw Newt reach out for her but Adeline was almost struck by one of the bolts of lightning, which slowed her down and almost separated her from the other Gladers. Thomas pushed her forward, ordering her to keep going but then stumbled himself, but caught his balance. Thomas helped Newt regain his feet, then Frypan. Adeline ran for her life, her heart thumping in her chest as lightning struck down and the wind made it hard for her to run. The sky darkened and the dust cloud thickened. Adeline couldn't see anything. There was no rain, she now realized. With every storm there should be rain.

So, where is the rain?

But, the question was long gone when the next group of lightning bolts struck down. One struck close to her right shoulder, and before she could tell what was going on, the right sleeve of her shirt and half of her arm, was on fire. She let out a blood curdling scream, which was louder than she had intended. In an instant, Minho and Newt were there, trying to pat the fire that was traveling down her arm. It was agonizing, she couldn't tell if any of this was even possible. Adeline dropped to the ground quickly, rolling onto her shoulder slightly to get the fire to burn out. After a few good seconds it did and Newt pulled her to her feet. More lightning struck down, one closer to Newt this time. Newt grasped her wrist, pulling her forward through the storm. Another bolt struck down, but Adeline couldn't see if it struck anyone until she was able to somewhat see what was going on. Adeline saw flames. Then she was able to make out who'd been struck.

Holy shit ... Minho's clothes are on fire.

Both Thomas and Minho dropped to the ground, trying to put out the flames. Adeline wanted to help, but she couldn't. She peered back to find Thomas grabbing Minho by the shoulders, dragging him to his feet.

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