29 → "TRAITOR"

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29 → "TRAITOR"

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"IS THIS SOME joke?" Newt snapped. "The Safe Haven is .. a stick."

"This is just another trick WICKED is pulling." Sonya answered. "It has to be."

Questions erupted around them, both groups pitching in questions. Adeline stood in between the chaos of questions circling around her, biting her tongue. She wanted so desperately to scream out "There never was a safe haven!" but knew everyone would question how she knew this, although Matt had told her this piece of information, anyway.

"Okay!" Minho called out over the chaos "How about we all shuck it for one second. Obviously there was never a Safe Haven." He pointed at the girls "Now, you need to explain what has happened to Thomas and that chick Teresa over these past few days, and Adeline needs to explain what the hell happened to her as well."

Harriet started by telling her everything. About how they were meant to kill Thomas, but saved him by convincing Teresa not to kill him. After the entire story, Minho made her share what happened to her although she lied and skipped out the vast majority of what happened with Janson. She told them about what Matt had told her, skipping parts of their conversation about how he was the Chancellor's son. Adeline added in a lie about how one of the Cranks had knocked her out, instead of Janson shooting Matt with what he called a Launcher and knocking her out with knockout serum. Adeline explained how she woke up and Group B had found her. At the end of it, Newt looked like he was going to kill Matt. After a while of the Group conversing over their recent problem of the apparent Safe Haven being a stick, Minho peered back behind him, then stepped away from the large group of both Group's A & B.

"It's about time you slowpokes caught up with us!" Minho yelled. Adeline peered back behind her to find Thomas, Teresa and Aris heading their way. Both Newt and Adeline slowly made their way to Minho & Thomas.

Thomas stopped right in front of Minho and doubled over to catch his breath for a few seconds. "I thought you'd be fightin' tooth and nail with these girls after what they did to us. To me, anyway."

Minho looked back at the group of boys and girls, then returned his gaze to Thomas. "Well, first of all, they have nastier weapons, not to mention bows and arrows. Plus, some chick named Harriet explained everything. We're the ones who should be surprised — that you're still with them." He shot a nasty glare at Teresa and Aris. "Never trusted either one of those shuck traitors."

"They're on our side. Trust me." Said Thomas.

Minho laughed bitterly. "Figured you'd say something like that. Let me guess, it's a long story?"

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