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GROUP A TREKKED across the arid surface of the Scorch, the hours until they had to reach the Safe Haven ticking away. They ran, Newt growing tired and fear eating away at him. He was worried about Adeline, worried about reaching the Safe Haven on time. Another storm was slowly rolling in, strong gales of wind pelting Newt with grit. Newt and the rest of the survivors of the Group pushed through the harsh and pelting winds, when Minho came to an abrupt stop, causing Newt to slam straight into him. Newt stumbled backwards and hit straight into another Glader behind him. Newt grunted in frustration, regaining his balance right as Minho called for the Group to stop.

"Minho." Newt grumbled. "Why the hell —"

Minho shushed Newt, pulling him beside him by the sleeve of his shirt. "Look, you stupid shuck."

Newt squinted through the clouds of brown dust, trying to figure out what Minho was referring to. From beside him, Minho was pointing before him. Then Newt saw it. Someone was sprawled out on the ground. Without warning, Minho sprinted towards the direction of the body, the rest of the group following until Minho once more stopped. Newt skidded to a faltered stop, and almost tripped in shock when he saw the familiar features. Minho gawked at him in complete shock. The last time they'd seen him was days ago, when he appeared out of nowhere and took her. Took Adeline, with the help of two Cranks. Anger burned in Newt's chest at the sight of him.

"Matt?" Newt gasped. Matt didn't speak, barely conscious.

"Hey, shuck face!" Minho nudged Matt's leg with his foot. Matt's eyes fluttered open fully. "No time for napping, get up."

Newt whacked Minho on the back of the head, throwing him a look meaning shuck it, Slinthead. Matt was staring up at them with confused eyes. Grunting, he propped himself up into a sitting position.

"H — How did I get here?" Matt questioned, trying to get to his feet.

"You tell us," Newt answered. "Considering it's been at least two days since we last saw you and since you took Adeline."

Matt finally got to his feet. "I swear I don't know how I got here and where she is."

Anger suddenly boiled Newt's blood as Matt said this. Newt stepped forward. "What do you mean you don't know where she is? You bloody took her against her will and now you're here, acting like you're innocent!"

Newt stepped closer and closer to Matt in pure rage and frustration, pointing his finger at him. Newt knew that screaming at Matt when a storm was approaching — now awfully fast, thanks to the crazy climate — wasn't the right time to get furious at him, but Newt didn't care at this point. Before Newt could do any damage, such as punch Matt and beat him senseless for all he'd done, Minho stood in between them.

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