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"ADELINE, WAKE UP." A voice sang, awakening Adeline from her slumber. Peering up, she found Newt's face just inches from her own. It took her a moment to realize she had been sleeping with her head resting on Newt's lap. She didn't even remember falling asleep in the position she woke up in. Leaning forward, the events of yesterday came crashing down on her. It seemed so surreal now.

Gladers were passing out the cans of food, and for once Adeline was actually hungry. After eating the vast amount of the food in the can, Jorge ordered for everyone to get ready to look for their friends, deciding that they'd split up in groups before they went out of their way to look for Thomas and Brenda. Newt, Minho, Aris, Frypan and Adeline stayed in a group while the other Gladers' decided their own groups.

After sending the other group of Gladers the opposite direction, Jorge tagged along with them before they'd started looking for their friends. Wandering through the empty streets of the city, the Gladers kept an eye out for any signs of Brenda and Thomas, until Minho decided to split the group in pairs before sending them away in opposite directions.

"Let's split up into pairs." Minho said. "Aris and Adeline, Frypan and Jorge. That leaves myself and Newt. We'll meet back here. Got it?"

Everyone agreed before heading off in different directions from each other. Minho and Newt went south of the city, Adeline and Aris went east while Frypan and Jorge went West. Adeline and Aris dawdled east of the city like ordered.

There was slight tension between the two as they dawdled through the empty streets of the east side of the city. There wasn't much to say, although both could talk about the subject of them being siblings and Adeline could have told Aris that she had her memories back, but she knew she just couldn't.

"So." Adeline started, trying to make conversation. "You lived with a bunch of girls huh? What was that like?"

"Not as bad as you'd think." Aris shrugged. "What about you, how long were you in your Maze for?"

"A year." Adeline met Aris' haze. "Was the only girl before Teresa showed up."

Aris only nodded. For a while it was quiet until Adeline had come up with a million questions to ask Aris. "Hey, Aris? How did you notice me when you came out of that bathroom a few days ago?"

Aris shrugged. "It was sort of like flashes of memories. Like I remembered you from maybe two years ago. Over the time I had those choppy memories, I only saw your face and heard your name repeating over and over. Then I remembered who you were. It was like I was allowed to remember you but —"

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